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Text b control of medicines in the united kingdom

The Medicines Control Agency (MCA) as an executive organ of Ministry of Health was founded in 1991. It’s main aim is to provide conformity of all the medicines sold in the United Kingdom to the standards of efficacy, safety and quality. The Agency has license and postlicense control departments, inspection, law, administrative and financial departments.

Annually the Medicines Control Agency reconsiders about 1000 marketing permissions, which are connected with changes in the process of production, distribution and practical application of medicinal preparations. These changes concern indications and contraindications, packing of medicines, information for the patient etc. All the licenses are valid during 5 years. After this a pharmaceutical company is to resume its action. The Agency is the only organ to appreciate the work of the pharmaceutical company during 5 years.

MCA is responsible for all kinds of information for doctors and pharmacists. It is the information about the rational use of a drug. Patients are to find the useful information on the signature. More detailed information can be found in special booklets which publication is obligatory.

The Agency is responsible for all the drugs imported and exported. In order to improve the quality control the Agency carries out annual analytical testing of about 2000 drug samples taken from different companies. The results of such tests are discussed with drug producers.


main aim основная цель

efficacy [ efikəsi] действенность

safety [ seifti]- безопасность

licence [ laisəns]- лицензия

annually [ ænjuəli]- ежегодно

to reconsider [‘ri:konsidə]- пересматривать (заново)

valid [‘vælid]- действительный, имеющий силу.

to resume [ri’zju:m]- возобновлять

to appreciate [ə ‘pri: ieit]- оценивать

obligatory [ ə‘bli t ri]- обязательный

1. What is the Medicines Control Agency? When was it founded? 2. What is main aim of the Agency? 3. What work is done by the Agency annually? 4. What do the changes in the process of production concern? 5. What can you say about the drug information? 6. How is the quality control improved?

Ex. 9. Speak on :

1. Pharmaceutical service in Great Britain.

The system of control over medicinal preparations, import, export, using the information of the two texts.


Oral topic: pharmaceutical training in russia

Pre-text exercises

Ex 1. Practise reading the following words:

research [risə :tζ ], galenicals[gæ l ənikə lz], commodities [k o mo ditiz], hygiene [haidз i:n], acquire [ ækwaiə ], knowledge [no lidζ ], law[lo :], experience [ikspiə riə ns], necessity [ni sesiti], contribute [ko n tribjut], appearance[ə piə r əns], market [ma: kit], civil [sivil], enterprise [ entə praiz], assortment [ə so :tmənt], psychology [saiko l ədз i], alteration [ o:ltə reiζ n], curriculum [kju rikjulə m], , furthe [fə : ðə ].

Ex 2. Check up if you read these words correctly:

acquire, research, galenicals, hygiene, commodities, knowledge, law, contribute, necessity, enterprise, market, appearance, curriculum, civil, assortment, opportunity, psychology, further, alteration.

Ex 3. Read and memorize all the word-groups:

  1. to acquire deep knowledge - получать (приобретать) глубокие знания

Students ... of special subjects during the years of study.

We ... during our practice at the pharmacy last term.

to take place - происходить (иметь место)

Changes ... in our country are very serious.

The meeting ... in the hall tomorrow.

  1. to cause alterations - вызывать изменения

The reaction ... in the composition of the compound.

I don’t think this ... any ... .

4. market economy - рыночная экономика

... is used everywhere nowadays.

Conditions of the ... are thoroughly studied by our economists.

5. civil law - гражданское право

Future specialists must know ... .

... is studied by thousands of students.

to meet the requirements - отвечать требованиям

Our curriculum ... the modern ... .

The aim is ... of the life.

7. joint enterprise - совместное предприятие

After graduating from the Academy I want to work at a ... .

Many ... produce new drugs.

  1. under the guidance - под руководством

Students write diploma papers ... of teachers.

Practice is carried out ... of pharmacists.

to be in prospect - ожидаться, быть в перспективе

Cardinal changes ... .

Serious situation ... in economics.

Ex 4. Active vocabulary of the text:

  1. to carry out [ka riaut] - осуществлять, проводить

  2. training [treinin] - обучение

  3. to cause [ko :z] - вызывать, становиться


  1. an aim [eim] - цель

  2. condition [ko n di ζ n] - условие

  3. to introduce [intrə dju:s] - вводить

  4. protection [pr o tek ζ n] - защита

  5. to stimulate [ stimjuleit] - стимулировать

  6. rational use [ ra ζ nə l ju:s] - рациональное


  1. natural resources [ natζərə l riso:siz] - природные ресурсы

  2. pharmaceutical

science of commodities [ko mo ditiz] фармацевтическое


  1. to contribute [kə n tribju:t - содействовать,


  1. assortment [ əso :tm ənt] - ассортимент

  2. proper [ pro pə ] - надлежащий

  3. enterprise [ent əpraiz] - предприятие

  4. participation [pa:tisipeiζ n] - участие

  5. curriculum [kə rikjul m] - курс обучения,

учебный план

  1. opportunity [ə po tju:niti] - возможность

  2. advisable [ə dvaizə bl] - рекомендуемый,


  1. guidance [ gaidə ns] - руководство

  2. syllabus [sil əbə s] - учебная программа


  1. gifted [ giftid] - одарённый

  2. requirements [ri kwaiə mə nts] - требования

  3. experience [iks pi riə ns] - опыт

  4. to outline [autlain] - намечать, делать


Ex 5. Suggest the Russian for:

acquire deep knowledge; distribution; serious alterations; aims of training specialists; proper curriculum; condition of market economy; modern assortment; gifted students; it is advisable; experienced teachers; joint enterprises; mixed method.

Ex 6. Give the English equivalents of:

образование проводится; ожидаться, быть в перспективе; давать (обеспечивать) возможность; участие студентов; социально-исторические условия; отвечать современным требованиям; расширенные знания; появление частных фирм; требовать знаний; под руководством.

Ex 7. Read and translate the following text:

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]