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Text b from history of pharmaceutical education

In our country

In Russia future specialists began their education as pupils at chemist’s shops and after that they became students of 2-year provisional courses at some universities. There were pharmaceutical faculties at universities with a 5-year course of study in Moscow, Leningrad, Perm, Vinnitsa.

Since 1919 independent pharmaceutical and chemico-pharmaceutical institutes tend to appear in our country. Most of the pharmaceutical institutes at that time trained specialists with higher education for the newly organized pharmaceutical industry.

It was done little to satisfy the needs of pharmacies. Training specialists with higher pharmaceutical education was the subject of discussion of many pharmaceutical congresses, conferences, etc.

The network of pharmacies grew from year to year.

September, 8, 1936 is the historical date in the development of higher pharmaceutical education. The resolution concerning higher pharmaceutical education was passed on this day.

For a long time there had been a single branch of science called ‘pharmacy’. Later on pharmacy as a science became so vast that its many branches appeared: pharmaceutical chemistry, technology, biochemistry, organization and economy of pharmacy, pharmacognozy, toxicology, etc.

Great Patriotic War and the whole after war period showed the importance of our higher pharmaceutical education.


1. newly organized - вновь организованный

2. to satisfy the needs [sa tisfai] -удовлетворять нужды

  1. subject of discussion - предмет обсуждения

network of pharmacies - сеть аптек

to pass a resolution - выносить постановление

1. Where did future specialists begin their education? 2. When did independent pharmaceutical and chemico-pharmaceutical institutes appear? 3. Whom did they train? 4. Was it done much to satisfy the needs of pharmacies? 5. What is the date: September, 8, 1936?

Ex 9. Speak on:

1. Pharmaceutical education in our country at present. Some points from the history of pharmaceutical education, using information of 2 texts.

2.What do you think about this oath? In the U.S. it is provided to schools of pharmacy that wish to administer it to its students (either on admission or at graduation); it is voluntary:

Oath of a Pharmacist

At this time, I vow to devote my professional life to the service of all humankind through the profession of pharmacy.

I will consider the welfare of humanity and relief of human suffering my primary concerns.

I will apply my knowledge, experience and skills to the best of my ability to assure optimal drug therapy outcomes for the patients I serve.

I will keep abreast of developments and maintain professional competency in my profession of pharmacy.

I will maintain the highest principles of moral, ethical and legal conduct.

I will embrace and advocate change in the profession of pharmacy that improves patient care.

I take these vows voluntarily with the full realization of the responsibility with which I am entrusted by the public.

Prepared by

The American Association of

Colleges of Pharmacy


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