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Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Exercises

Ex.1. Complete the following sentences:

1. A chemist’s shop is a … in which you … . 2. The chemist’s shop consists of ... . 3. Numerous … of the chemist’s department contain … grouped according to … .4. Dispensary pharmacists make up … . 5. Besides medicines you can buy ... at the chemist’s department. 6. Prescription department provides … . 7. If a patient has a prescription with the word “cito”... 8. The assistants’ room is furnished … . 9. All chemical substances are stored … . 10. The chemist’s shop is managed by …

Ex.2. Express the following in English:

1. Аптека - медицинское учреждение. 2. В этих бюллетенях вы сможете найти полезную информацию о лечебных свойствах различных лекарств. 3. Пациенты могут купить здесь таблетки, грелки, вату, горчичники и т.д. 4. Если пациенту нужна мазь, настойка или порошки, он может заказать их и получить готовые лекарства через несколько часов. 5. Ассистентская оборудована лабораторными столами. 6. Все химические вещества хранятся согласно специальному списку. 7. Аптекой управляет специалист с высшим фармацевтическим образованием.

Ex.3.Look through the text and state what it has to say on the following points:

  1. kinds and departments of a chemist’s shop;

  2. chemist’s department;

  3. prescription department;

  4. assistant’s room.

Ex.4. Answer the following questions:

1. What is a chemist’s shop? 2.What types of chemist’s shops do you know? 3. What departments does a chemist’s shop consist of? 3. What can you buy at the chemist’s department? 4. Which department provides medicines by the doctor’s prescription? 5. When are medicines prepared in the presence of patients? 6. Where are medicines prepared at a chemist’s shop? 7. How is an assistant’s room furnished? 8. According to what requirements are medicines prepared? 9. How are poisonous and drastic substances used? 10. How are they stored? 11. Who managers a chemist’s shop?

Oral Speech Practice Exercises

Ex.5.Practise reading the following flashes of conversation:


F.: Doctor, when I came home I found my little boy asleep. At first that seemed normal, but when I entered the bathroom I found the bottle of my wife’s sedative on the floor. I’m afraid the child took some of it.

D.: Do you know what kind of sedative it was?

F.: No, doctor. I only know it was one of the sedatives. Here it is.

D.: Well, it is better to do a stomach washing. Nurse, have everything ready for the stomach washing.


P.: May I have the drug ordered? Here is my prescription.

C.: Certainly, you may. But it is a drastic drug.

P.: How should I take it?

C.: Take it three times a day before meal.

P.: Thank you.

Ex.6.Comprise the similar flashes of conversation using the words and word combinations from the text and the dialogue given above..

Ex.7.Prove that:

  1. a chemist’s shop is a medical institution;

  2. you can buy different drugs and other necessary things at the chemist’s department;

  3. if the doctor gives you a prescription, you go to the prescription department

  4. medicines are prepared at the assistant’s room.

Ex.8. Read the text and be ready to give a short summary of it:.

Text B

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