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19.5.3. Oral Practice. Explain in English the meanings of the following words and expressions.

Work in small groups and discuss them

most-favoured-nation treatment

economic integration

free movement of capital and labour

the Common Market

external tariff (for nonmember nations)

19.5.4. Written Practice. Translation Focus

Translate the sentences into English making use of the active (19.4.1, 19.4.2).

1. Пакет соглашений Уругвайского раунда переговоров объединяет примерно 60 правовых

документов, основными из которых являются Соглашение об учреждении ВТО и

прилагаемые к нему:

а) Многосторонние соглашения по тарифам и торговле (ГАТТ-94);

б) Генеральное соглашение по торговле услугами (ГАТС);

в) Соглашение о торговых аспектах прав интеллектуальной собственности (ТРИПС).

2. Договоренность о правилах и процедурах, регулирующих разрешение споров, достигнута

на совещании руководителей фирм.

3. Многосторонние соглашения с ограниченным участием обязательны только для присоединившихся

членов ВТО.

4. Взаимное предоставление режима наибольшего благоприятствования в торговле услугами

обычная практика при заключении международных двусторонних договоров.

5. Центральная задача ВТО — либерализация мировой торговли.

6. Процесс либерализации торговли между странами СНГ нарастает.

7. Долгосрочный договор о либерализации торговых отношений между Россией и Белоруссией

ратифицирован обеими странами.

8. Вступил в силу договор между Россией и Украиной о поставках газа.

9. Договор о взаимопомощи в экономической сфере был заключен между Россией и Казахстаном.

10. Выполнять договор о продаже двигателей на условиях рассрочки платежа (payment by

instalments) фирме становилось все труднее.

11. У нас возникли сомнения относительно оснований для заключения договора.

19.5.5. Multiple Choice Comprehension Check (basic Text 19.4)

Check the comprehension of the text choosing the answer which, you think, is correct.

1. The USA Act of 1934 on the Reciprocal Trade Agreements included the following main features:

a) This act authorized the President to negotiate agreements with foreign nations which would

reduce American tariffs up to 80 percent of the existing rates. In addition, most-favourednation

treatment was incorporated.


b) This act authorized the Secretary of State to negotiate agreements with foreign nations on

most-favoured-nation treatment.

c) This act authorized the President to negotiate agreements with foreign nations which would

reduce American tariffs up to 50 percent of the existing rates. But the Reciprocal Trade Act

gave rise to only bilateral negotiations.

2. A General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (ga tt) was the largest international forum which regulated

the world trade. It was signed in 1947 on the US initiative. What cardinal principles was

GATT based on?

a) There were three of them: (1) equal, nondiscriminatory treatment for all member nations:

(2) tough measures on restricting foreign investments; (3) removing barriers to trade and

subsidies in agriculture.

b) There were three of them: (1) equal, nondiscriminatory treatment for all member nations;

(2) the reduction of tariffs by multilateral negotiations; (3) the elimination of

import quotas.

c) There were three of them: (1) equal, nondiscriminatory treatment for all member nations;

(2) removing barriers to trade in services; (3) reciprocity (взаимность) in offering trade and

industry concessions.

3. The Uruguay round of negotiations (1986—1994) was the last one in the history of GATT. The

decisions made at this round were of great significance. In the long run they led to expansion of

competence of this international forum. What problems were considered at this round?

a) Eliminating trade barriers and domestic subsidies in agriculture; removing barriers to trade

in services; ending restrictions on foreign economic investments; establishing and enforcing

patent, copyright, and trademark rights on an international basis.

b) Eliminating trade barriers in consumer-oriented industries (отрасли промышленности,

ориентированные на потребителя); removing barriers to trade in military technologies

and mineral resources.

c) Toughening (ужесточение) restrictions on foreign investments; introducing freedom of the

movement of labor; enforcing patent, copyright, and trademark rights on an international


4. By economic integration we mean:

a) The association of economic and research institutions of different nations for making global


b) The association of two or more firms from different nations.

c) the joining of the markets of two or more nations into a free-trade zone.

5. The European Economic Community (EEC), or the Common Market comprises twenty-six nations

of Europe. What were the goals of the Common Market?

a) The introduction of a common currency and the formation of a single European state with

the abolishing of national bodies of economic and political powers.

b) The gradual abolition of tariffs and import quotas; the establishment of a common system of

tariffs; the free movement of capital and labor within the Market; the creation of common

policies with respect to a number of other economic matters; the introduction of a common

currency — the Euro.

c) The introduction of a common currency, free movement of capital and labour and estalishing

rigid quotas on all goods imported from nonmember nations.