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С.Д. КОМАРОВСКАЯ world economy.docx
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Практика функционирования СЭЗ в Китае и других странах подтверждает, что они

позволяют в короткие сроки добиваться устойчивых темпов экономического роста, привлечения

больших иностранных инвестиций, повышения занятости и уровня жизни населения,

т. е., как отмечают китайские специалисты, применения новой экономической

модели XXI в.

Но, естественно, СЭЗ не являются панацеей от решения глобальных экономических

проблем. Как для промышленно развитых, так и для развивающихся стран они выполняют

строго определенные задачи. Кроме того, их организация требует существенных затрат.

Например, для привлечения иностранных инвестиций страна в среднем первоначально

затрачивает четыре своих дол. на один зарубежный дол. Следует отметить немало примеров

неудачного функционирования или даже закрытия СЭЗ. Так, создание в Шри-Ланке,

Гватемале, Либерии, Сенегале и некоторых других странах разного рода экономических

зон не дало заметного эффекта. Причины: общая политическая нестабильность, чрезмерно

усложненное, с точки зрения инвестора, законодательство, бюрократическая и коррупционная

среда. Россия, к сожалению, также может быть отнесена к числу неудачников

по эффективности СЭЗ.

21.8.2. Commentary and Notes to Text 21.8.1

1. льготный таможенно-тарифный режим — preferential customs and tax treatment

2. упрощенный порядок — simplified rules

3. законные акты — legal acts, laws

4. подзаконные акты — by-law acts (by-laws)

5. налогооблагаемая база — assessment basis

6. стоимость основных фондов, восстановительная — replacement cost of capital assets

7. упрощение формальностей — simplification of formalities

8. трудовое законодательство — labour legislation

9. привлекать иностранный капитал — to draw (attract) foreign capital (funds)

10. наукоемкие отрасли — high technology branches (industries), science-intensive

11. набирать мощь — to gain ground, a foothold

12. панацея — panacea


13. примеры неудачного функционирования — examples of unsuccessful functioning (operating)

14. законодательство — legislation

21.9. Oral Practice. Round Table

Business exchange of opinions.

The setting up of free economic zones is often considered by their founders (учредители) as a

method of realizing the principles of open economy.

One of the reasons for establishing free economic zones is that a nation does not want to open

completely its economy for the inflow of foreign capital and therefore uses special zones for it.

As we can see, there is a great variety of free economic zones in the world.

1. Do the developed and developing countries pursue the same aims when establishing free economic


2. In what cases are technology introduction zones set up? Give a few examples of their operation.

3. What requirements shall a company follow when registered in the offshore zone? What is the

difference between tax havens and offshore zones?

4. Why is stagnation (застой) felt in the development of free economic zones in Russia, in your


21.10. Written Practice

Summarize the unit in a paragraph of about 300-350 words.

Unit 22. Globalization of Production

and Economic Activities

22.1. Preview

In this unit we will acquaint ourselves with the process of globalization

of production and e c o n o m i c a c ti v it i e s . W e a re g o i ng

to find out:

a) How the UN experts classify different types of corporations.

b) What are the reasons for springing up these corporations and

their branch (sector) structures?

c) What means of developing the world market are used by transnational

corporations in their expansion.

d) What are the main tresacehnpxinorbysdnuirtrcedousitrputeoursep iltracednopxymtcdou irnoptaropa iltraczbnonltsin coBgnds of their expansion?

22.2. Warm-up

Before you start reading the unit think and try to answer the following questions:

1. What types of enterprises can be referred to transnational corporations?

2. Why are transnational corporations so widespread in the world?

3. Why do TNCs take the leading position in the labour productivity and the quality of the output?

22.3. Rapid Reading (skimming, scanning, reading for general understanding

of the basic Text 22.4)

Work in pairs or in small groups.

1. Skim the text quickly to find out what companies the UN experts refer to transnational corporations.

Discuss it in a group.

2. Scan the text to find the abbreviations. What do they mean?

3. Skim the text again to find the data on the percentage ratio of the branch (sector) structure of

TNCs. Tell your partner about it.

4. Tell the group whether the information obtained has extended your knowledge of the given


22.4. Basic Text. Modern Industrial Globalization

In the middle of the 1990s there were about 40,000 transnational corporations (TNCs) in the

world. They controlled 250,000 subsidiary enterprises outside their countries of origin. Over the

last 20 years their number has increased many times.

A considerable part of the assets (about 40 per cent of the total cost) of a hundred largest

international companies is based on the territories of foreign states. The main part of TNCs is

concentrated in the US, countries of the European Union, and Japan. TNCs account for about

40 per cent of industrial production in the world, and half the international trade. Their volume

of production exceeds $1 trillion annually. Seventy three million people are employed in



What companies do we refer to TNCs? The United Nations experts referred to TNCs the companies

which have their branches in not fewer than six countries and an annual turnover exceeding

$100 million. Lately, an additional indicator — the percentage value of the production sales outside

the national boundaries — has been introduced. By this indicator the Swiss firm Nestle (98 per

cent) is one of the world leaders.

According to the UN methodology, the structure of the assets is a typical characteristic of the

TNC. The largest foreign assets among TNCs (except the financial sector) belong to the British-

Dutch concern Royal Dutch Shell and four American corporations. These are Ford, General Motors,

Exon, and IBM. Among the giants are also the German BMW and the Swiss-Swedish ABB.