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С.Д. КОМАРОВСКАЯ world economy.docx
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6. Вы показали неплохое знан • иеltednopvm мвф. Насколько и з My aвnswer еmay cсause aт kind of

но, МБРР был создан в 1944 году. Его членами я в л sяurpюriseт bсut.я..

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ных участников разработки уставов МВФ и МБРР и • прauоthorized


ведения Бретгон-Вудской конференции, хотя по по л • suиbscription; shares

тическим мотивам до 1992 года не участвовал в этих

private capital markets

организациях. Кто может быть членом МБРР и как образуется

его уставной капитал?

7. Не могли бы вы уточнить объемы и цели кредитныхst’ e .ItIaedhnv

средств, ежегодно предост авляемых странам-членам ts Itasdnesa tro tahno.t Read and translate the text “Foreig.Pen.L ,il)seagydnu tsceromtc .I(fje017agbdnRmku m1vt7oDe0e n1 Aid” and give the definition of foreign aid.

Foreign Aid

The greatest portion of the funds of international financial organizations is formed by contributions

of the developed countries, which are then transferred to the backward and the developing countries.

Foreign aid may be interpreted as the administered transfer of resources from the advanced countries

for the purpose of encouraging economic growth in the developing countries. Funds transferred

to the developing countries from governments and international institutions in the form of official aid

account for one-third of the total transfer of funds to the developing countries (the rest is accounted

for by loans through the commercial banks and direct investment). Official aid from the advanced

countries represented in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s Development

Assistance Committee accounts for about 0.27 per cent of their gross domestic product. UK

foreign aid is administered by the Department for International Development.

Vocabulary Notes to Text

1. the administered transfer of resources — управляемый перевод ресурсов

2. official aid — официальная помощь

3. direct investment — прямое инвестирование Read and translate the text "Lending Operations Principles" and answer the question:

How is the policy of cost-effectiveness enforced by the IBRD?

Lending Operations Principles.

A. IBRD makes loans to governments, governmental authorities or private enterprises in the

territories of member countries. A loan that is not made directly to the member in whose territories


the project is located must be guaranteed as to principal, interest and other charges by the member

or its central bank or a comparable agency of the member acceptable to IBRD. A guarantee by the

member itself has been obtained in all such cases to date.

B. IBRD's loans are designed to promote the use of resources for productive purposes in its

member countries. Projects financed by IBRD loans are required to meet IBRD's standards for

technical, economic, financial, institutional and environmental soundness.

C. In making loans, IBRD must act prudently and pay due regard to the prospects of repayment.

Decisions to make loans are based upon, among other things, studies by IBRD of a member

country's economic structure, including assessments of its recourses and ability to generate sufficient

foreign exchange to meet debt-service obligations.

D. IBRD must be satisfied that in the prevailing market conditions (taking into account the

member’s overall external financing requirements), the borrower would be unable to obtain financing

under conditions which, in the opinion of IBRD, are reasonable for the borrower. IBRD