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С.Д. КОМАРОВСКАЯ world economy.docx
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5. С этим нельзя не со • гла senpxwrei)freovm (reraedситься. Любопытно

б ы л о бIыt sуhслoыuшldат bь,e к nакoиtеe dси tлhыa tс.п..особны

и з м е н и •т ьb uсsпinрeоssс aиct iпvрityе дinл оthжe еcнoиunеt rиy • tsehtsekitau itraceghnoxm


тем самым обусловить удорожание или

speculators’ activities

обесценивание свободно конвертируемой

валю ты. • crises sgnoserp

6. Сторонники гибк • их saceghnsa t iscnosceitretaum itsaceghnovmle rnp iaceghn rabkn;rвалютных курсов s Ie .taehnouywm

считают, что они обладают несомненным

д о с т о и н с т •в ом. Каdкe fвicыi tsп оaлnаdг аsеuтrеp, luses

в чем о н о з а • клюbaчlaаncеeт ofс pяay?m • ents ceis lrapicep

7. Вы правы. Но хотя • гибtsen apymsceisedom iltfacebhnoumircptilrebquкие валютные ousc d iltfeko .кno’somleb I tropw era ehr T урсы

имеют тенденцию автоматически у The pсoint is that.

транять несбалансированность платежей,

к а к с в и д е т е л•ь ствуuетn пcраeктrиtкaа,i nэтtоy

может в ы з в а т ь и с•е рьеdзiнmыiеn пisрhоiбnлgе мtrыa.d e

Назовите те и з н и х , к о•т орые выi nнаsхtоaдbиi

l i t y

те наиболее важными.

8. Некоторые страны, пытаясь преодолеть

н е б л а г о п рTияhтeн ыpеo уiсnлtо вiиs я t оhбaмtе. .н.а,

присущие г и б к•и м валgюovтeнrыnmм enкtу iрnсtаerмv,e ntion

вводили фиксацию н а ц• иональmнaыrkхet к mуaрnipulation

сов. На чем они основывались, • по вrаeserves

шему мнению? • stabilization

9. В заключение хоте • лосsedomicy lopy iltacopxytraenomь бы услышать ответ

н а в о п р оIс , cчтaоn м оsжaноy о тtнhесaтиt .к. м. ерам

г о с у д а р с т в е• нногоc uрrеreгnуcлyи рinоtвerаvнeиnяti on

валютного к • урсdiаscoun.t po saceghnxsae msi (ru)tit(cenoto •rplicy (discount rate)

r e s t r i c t

i o n s , c u r r e n c y

b l o c k a d e ,

multiple rate

s y s tem)

9.7. Development

9.7.1. Reading (skimming, scanning for subject and language study) Read the text “Market Determinants of Exchange Rates” without a dictionary and say

by what factors afreet the foreign exchange market.

Market Determinants o f Exchange Rates

The foreign exchange market is affected by changes in market variables in addition to changes

in relative price levels, namely:

1. Changes in real interest rates. If the United States’ interest rate, corrected for people’s expectations

of inflation, abruptly increases relative to the rest of the world, international investors

elsewhere will increase their demand for dollar-denominated assets, thereby increasing the demand

for dollars in foreign exchange markets. An increased demand for dollars in foreign exchange

markets, other things held constant, will cause the dollar to appreciate and other currencies

to depreciate.

2. Changes in productivity. Whenever one country’s productivity increases relative to another’s,

the former will become more competitive in world markets. The demand for its exports will increase,

and so, too, will the demand for its currency.

3. Changes in product preferences. If, say, Germany’s citizens suddenly develop a taste for American-

made automobiles, this will increase the derived demand for American dollars in foreign exchange


9 Мировая экономика


4. Perceptions of economic stability. If Japan looks economically and politically stable relative

to other countries, more foreigners will want to put their savings into Japanese assets than in their

own domestic assets. This will increase the demand for yen. Read the text “Real Exchange Rate and Purchasing-Power Parity (PPP).” Explain in

your own words the notion of PPP.

Real Exchange Rate and Purchasing-Power Parity (PPP )

We always come across the question: How can we practically determine the real exchange rate?

It is done in the following way.

It is an exchange rate between two currencies calculated by valuing a given basket of goods and

services in terms of the two currencies and dividing the two resulting sums. Suppose there is a

10 per cent increase in prices in Britain, no inflation in Germany, and a 10 per cent depreciation of

the British currency against the Euro; then the real exchange rate between the pound and the Euro

is constant. Let us see if the purchasing-power parity tells upon exchange rates. An exchange rate

between two currencies such that the same basket of goods and services could be bought in each

country if the cost were converted at that exchange rate. For instance, if a loaf of bread cost 1 in

the UK and $2 in the USA, the purchasing-power parity exchange rate would be 1 to $2.

Market exchange rates are determined by a mix of forces and can fluctuate considerably. This

makes accurate comparisons of international economies using market exchange rates difficult.

The use of purchasing-power parity is a preferred alternative, although not without its own problems

of measurement. The World Bank (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development)

published a report in 1994 in which it ranked countries by gross national product per capita using

this method, and the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) also

publishes comparable international economic data based on PPP.