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С.Д. КОМАРОВСКАЯ world economy.docx
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In each market until some disturbance in costs or demand occurs. The importance of the price system

Is (a) that it serves as a means of rationing limited supplies among consumers, and (b) that it signals to

producers where money is to be made and thus what they ought to be producing.

(2) And also the price (pricing) policy of the firms. Pricing policy is the method used by firms for

determining their prices. In this area, there appears to be a discrepancy between the suggestions of

theory and the observed practice of firms, (a) In theory, firms in perfect competition take the market

price as given — which will equal the marginal cost of production — without being able to

Influence that price. A monopoly or any firm in monopolistic competition first determines its

output and only then sets a price at the level that just sells the output chosen, (b) In practice, firms

appear to use “rules of thumb” rather than accurate assessments of marginal revenue and costs.

Cost-plus pricing, for example, involves charging the average cost of producing an item, plus

a profit margin, the size of which is loosely determined by market conditions.

Much debate on pricing policy has surrounded the appropriate policy for nationalized industries; in

particular whether they should attempt to emulate the marginal-cost pricing of perfect competition.

International prices are formed within the frames of common commercial transactions. We

differentiate the following prices: public, making-up (settlement), contract and base (basic). Public

prices are reference ones, and reference prices are those of the seller, called asked (asking, offering),

and are published in newspapers, journals, price-lists, channels of computer information.

To public prices we also refer [stock] exchange prices, determined at mercantile exchanges (quotation),

and also the auction (tender) prices which reflect the factual ratio of demand and supply.

5.4.1. Terminological Vocabulary to Text 5.4. Tty to memorize it

1. international prices — мировые цены

2. world commodity market — мировой товарный рынок

3. mercantile (commodity) exchange — товарная биржа

4. international tenders (bids) — международные торги

5. price (pricing) policy — ценовая политика

6. discrepancy — расхождение, несоответствие (например, спроса и предложения)

7. marginal costs — предельные издержки

8. marginal revenue — добавочный, предельный доход

9. profit margin — предельная прибыль

10. public prices — публичные цены

11. making-up (settlement) prices — расчетные цены

12. contract(ed) prices — контрактные цены

13. base (basic) prices — базисные цены

14. asked (asking, offering) prices — цены продавца

15. reference prices — справочные цены

16. exchange prices — биржевые цены

5.4.2. Commentary and Notes to Text 5.4

1. export-import transactions — экспортно-импортные сделки

2. prices are usually expressed in terms of a quantity of money per unit of a commodity (a good or

service) — цены обычно выражаются в количестве денег на единицу товара (продукция,

товар или услуга)

3. when giving reasons for... international prices — при обосновании... внешнеторговых цен

4. disparate decisions — различающиеся решения

5. monopolistic competition — монополистическая конкуренция

6. pricing, for example, involves charging the average cost of producing an item, plus a profit

margin... — цена, например, включает среднюю стоимость производства изделия, плюс

предельную прибыль...

7. ...whether they should attempt... — следует ли им пытаться

8. to emulate the marginal-cost pricing — соперничать с ценой предельных издержек


5.5. Reading for Specific Information + Language Study

5.5.1. Oral Practice. Work with a partner and discuss these comprehension questions on text 5.4.

1. What is meant by international prices?

2. How are prices expressed?

3. In what way is a price equation established? Give a few examples.

4. What do we mean by the pricing policy of firms?

5. How do you understand the so-called “rule of thumb”?

6. Can you tell us what is involved in a price?

7. Do you know anything about debate on pricing policy for nationalized industries?

8. What prices are differentiated within the frames of common commercial transactions? Enumerate


9. Tell us a few words about reference prices.

10. What is the difference between exchange prices and auction prices? Do these prices refer to

public ones?

5.5.2. Oral/Written Practice. Find the English equivalents in Text 5.4

Compare your answers with those of your partner.

мировые цены

экспортно-импортные сделки

международные торги

различие в ценах

ценовые изменения

обоснование внешнеторговой цены

спрос, предложение в избытке

предельная стоимость производства

• ≪правило большого пальца≫

предел прибыли (дохода)

национализированные отрасли промышленности

обычные коммерческие сделки

соотношение спроса и предложения

5.5.3. Oral Practice. Explain in English the meanings of the following words and expressions.

Work in small groups and discuss them


pricing policy

public price

reference price

exchange price

5.5.4. Written Practice. Translation Focus

Translate the sentences into English making use of the active (5.4.1, 5.4.2).

1. Цены рыночные — фактические цены, устанавливаемые в соответствии со спросом

и предложением.

2. Стратегия высоких цен, или снятие ≪сливок≫, характерна для продажи новинок, например,

мобильных телефонов, комбинированных с фото- и телекамерами.

3. Низкие цены обычно устанавливаются для ≪прорыва≫ на рынок (penetration into the

market) (стимулирования спроса, победы над конкурентами и т. п.).


4. Цены договорные обычно являются равновесными, балансирующими спрос и предло

жение в условиях рыночной конкуренции.

5. Цены на конкурентоспособные (trade) товары определяются соотношением спроса

и предложения на мировом рынке.

6. Установление фирмами единых цен, одинаковых для всех потребителей, укрепляет их

доверие и делает возможной продажу продукции по каталогам.

7. Трансфертные (передаточные) цены применяются внутри крупнейших фирм и корпораций,

используются для уменьшения налогообложений.

8. Поставка крупных партий готовых изделий производится фирмами-посредниками по

оптовым ценам, которые составляют базу розничных цен.


5.5.5. Multiple Choice Comprehension Check (basic Text 5.4)

Check the comprehension of the text choosing the answer which, you think, is correct.

1. By international price we mean...

a) Exclusive (monopoly) price. This price is set by monopolies.

b) Wholesale price which is set for a large lot of goods.

c) Prices of large export-import transactions.

2. Where are international prices set?

a) International prices are set by a special financial organization GATT.

b) These prices are set on the world commodity markets.

c) International prices are set by the UN Trade Committee.

3. May prices for concrete goods differ in different markets?

a) It is natural that for concrete production prices must be the same.

b) In fact, prices for concrete commodities may differ greatly as the markets are varying, the

number of sellers and buyers is also varying. Everything depends upon demand and supply.

c) They may differ in accordance with the instructions of government bodies.

4. What are the price changes?

a) These are the means by which the competitive process determines the allocation of resources

in the free market economy.

b) Price changes generally reflect the seller’s wishes to sell the goods as fast as possible.

c) Price changes happen due to the influence of political forces.

5. The price system is important because:

a) Inflation is sure to occur.

b) It regulates the market, but makes a negative impact on social development.

c) • It serves as a means of rationing limited supplies among consumers.

It signals to producers where money is to be made and thus what they ought to be producing.

6. Pricing policy is:

a) The raising of the consumer’s role in determining the prices.

b) The designing of new technology, the acceleration of progress in science and technology.

c) The method used by firms for determining their prices.

5.6. Oral Practice

Hold a business play using the given cliches, set expressions, and some prompts.

Work with partners.

1. Цена — это денежное выражение стоимо- It’s rather complicated, but you see...

сти товара и услуг, поэтому процессу ...and that’s why I’d like to...

формирования цен на мировых рынках

при экспортно-импортных операциях

придается большое значение. Давайте

рассмотрим некоторые вопросы, касающиеся

цен в мировой торговле.


2.В частности, что мы имеем в виду под

As far as 1 remember.

мировыми ценами и где они устанавлива

large export-ются? • impeda ltdrow fo tcentrehort transactions

3.Для современного мирового рынка хаI’m

not sure I remember everything.

рактерно наличие большого количества

but I’m certain about.

различных отраслевы х рынков товаров иsan trsam ap ,.itfrcehnoym f•otrace traceh

услуг. На этих рынках цены на конкретI

supose the main thing.

ную продукцию существенно разнятся.

consignment (lot) of gods

.6Хотелось бы останов иться более .itaeknoпm ld’ lI lsa tfro iFодробно

на публичных ценах. Какие к а т е г• ориreиfere nce prices

публичных цен • общеизscei raceghnpxвестны? • iledk .itsacedo’ itracnopu I

7. Какие же товары охватывают справочные

ц е н ыAs? f aВr aчs еI мkn oиw • • х t hсe iltebgh laescei ra rehptscei stek rp itsacedhnouymitram foп pеroцbиleфmи cчonнcоerсnтs.ь..? • ilsacedghnoxa traewm ,r

8. Цены на биржевые товары оперативно I’m concerned with it, it’s my point.

отражают все изменения, происходящие

на р ы н к е д •аqнuнotоaгtiоo nтsо aвrаeр, iаn. fВac чt, еthмe жprеic (eвs oкfа ком

показа т е л е ) о тt rрaажn аsеaтcсяtдiиoнnаsм.


цены (+, —) на бирже?

5.7. Development

5.7.1. Reading (skimming, scanning for subject and language study) Read and translate the text “Price Discrimination” and make a synopsis of it.

Price Discrimination

In international trade there are numerous examples of price discrimination to which different

customers are subject to. Russia, like some other countries of the CIS, has experienced price discrimination

when buying high technology production (electronics, special tools, etc.). What is the

price discrimination?

It is the selling of the same commodity to different buyers at different prices. Several conditions

must prevail for it to be profitable. First, there must be a separation between markets that does not

allow buyers in one market to resell the item in another (no arbitrage must be possible). Secondly,

the seller must possess some degree of monopoly power in at least one market, for, under competitive

conditions, prices will be driven down to the level of costs in all markets. Thirdly, buyers in


different markets must have a different level and elasticity of demand for the good. The monopol

who discriminates will set output for each market where marginal cost is equal to the margin

revenue in that market. Sales will be at a higher price in markets where elasticity is generally low

than where it is high. The monopolist, in effect, takes advantage of the fact that in one market

consumers are prepared to pay more for his item than in the other, without losing sales in the other

market. In perfect price discrimination the monopolist charges a different price to every individual

consumer and effectively has a sales revenue equivalent to the area under the demand curve for his
