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Is retained but available for call to meet any of the Bank’s liabilities if required. The Bank also raises

money by selling bonds on the world market. Generally speaking, the Bank makes loans either direct to

governments or with governments as the guarantor. Contributions of member countries to its capital are

made in proportion to that member’s share of world trade. Members’ voting rights are allocated in the

same way. In 1995 the Bank had an authorized capital of $184 billion. In 1995 there were 179 member

countries and gross disbursements of the Bank were $12,7 billion.

b. Hie International Development Association (IDA) is a part of the World Bank Group; established

In 1960. It gives long-term loans to governments at little or no interest for projects in the poorer of the

developing countries. It is intended for investments for which finance cannot be obtained through other

channels without bearing uneconomically high interest charges and is mainly for items of infrastructure,

e.g. roads or power supply. The repayment period for the loan may be up to fifty years with repayments

being delayed by up to ten years. The total funding of the IDA in 1995 was $101 billion.

c) The International Finance Corporation (IFC) was established in 1956 and had 176 Members

in 2004 with committed portfolio of $23.5 billion (included $5.5 billion in syndicated loans) and

fiscal 2004 commitments of $4.8 billion for 217 projects in 65 countries.

Ifc promotes economic development through the private sector. Working with business partners,

It invests in sustainable private enterprises in developing countries without accepting government

guarantees. It provides equity, long-term loans, structured finance and risk management

products, and advisory services to its clients. IFC seeks to reach businesses in regions and countries

that have limited access to capital. It provides finance in markets deemed too risky by commercial

Investors in the absence of ifc participation and adds value to the projects it finances through its

corporate governance, environmental, and social expertise.

d) The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency is an agency of the World Bank (International Bank

for Reconstruction and Development) which was established in 1988 and is open to all members of the

World Bank. The Agency gives guarantees and insurance cover for private direct investment in developing

countries against noncommercial risks such as the imposition of foreign exchange restrictions, war and the

expropriation of assets. The Agency is financed from incomes received from insurance premiums and

financial contributions made available by member countries, amounting to US $1 billion.

e) The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) was established in

1966 With 140 members in 2004, 150 total cases registered and 30 fiscal cases registered in 2004.

Icsid helps encourage foreign investment by providing international facilities for conciliation and

arbitration of investment disputes, thereby helping foster an atmosphere of mutual confidence between

states and foreign investors. Many international agreements concerning investment refer to ICSID's

arbitration facilities. ICSID also issues publications on dispute settlement and foreign investment law.