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3.8.2. Commentary and Notes to Text 3.8.1

1. внешнеторговая политика — foreign trade policy

2. торговые отношения — trade relations (contacts)

3. свободная торговля — free trade

4. ограничения импорта — import restrictions, limitation of imports

5. таможенные тарифы — customs tariff, (US) customs schedule

контингентирование импорта — quantitative regulation of imports

7. нетарифные барьеры — nontariff barriers

8. пошлина — tax, tariff, duty, fee

9. квотирование — allocation, quoting

10. селективный характер протекционистских мер — a selective character of protectionist


11. самоограничение — self-restriction

12. внутренний рынок — domestic market

13. интеграционное пространство — integration space

14. деловые круги — business circles

15. предпринимательство — entrepreneurship, business, enterprise

16. документарный аккредитив — documentary letter of credit


3.9. Oral Practice. Round Table

a) Hold a panel discussion.

As a result of examining this unit, you have learned the forms and methods of trade among

countries. There are many problems in carrying out the international trade. In our conclusive discussion,

we would like to touch on the following interesting points, in our opinion:

1. What is the difference between the two applied methods of conducting international trade:

direct and indirect ones?

2. What measures taken by the developed countries on promoting international trade do you consider

the most important?

3. What is the role of the state in international trade (positive, negative)?

Give your examples, please.

b) Case Study.

On completion of this unit we have recognized that international trade is beneficial to a nation's


The traditional pattern of the UK trade was the import of raw materials and food stuffs from the

colonies and the export of manufactured products. In more recent years there have been significant


Research the causes

Outline the changes

Assess the significance of these changes

Consider how the changes have affected resource allocation in the United Kingdom

Consider whether the U K's pattern of trade reflects comparative advantage which is predicted

to lead to the maximum economic welfare

Assess whether the changes have been beneficial to the United Kingdom

Make your short-term and long-term forecasts

Combine your results and make a group presentation.

3.10. Written Practice

Write an essay of about 300-350 words on the unit.

U n it 4. Factors Decreasing the Level

of International Trade

B a s ic n o t io n s

4.1. Preview This unit is devoted to examining the factors

decreasing the tariflevel of international trade: trade bariers, economiconsequencquota

(alocation)es (results) due to their imposing, pros and cons of the policy of excise tax protectionism in the world trade. subsidies tarif (rate) protectionism restriction s



4.2. Warm-up

Before you start reading the unit think and try to answer the following questions:

1. What is the policy of protectionism in trade?

2. What do we know about the methods restricting international trade?

3. Are there well-grounded arguments in favour of protectionism in trade?

4.3. Rapid Reading (skimming, scanning, reading for general understanding

of the basic Text 4.4)

Work in pairs or small groups.

1. Before you read, look quickly at the text. Why do you suppose the author divided it into sections?

Compare your answers with those of other members of the class/group.

2. Put forward your opinion on what material could be complementary to the basic text on the

given issue.

3. Quickly skim the text to find out whether the increase of imports leads to the elimination of

some jobs in the country.

4. Which words or phrases in the text help you decide whether the US share in international trade

increases or decreases? Discuss your ideas in small groups.

4.4. Basic Text. Regulation of International Trade (Factors Decreasing the Level

of International Trade)

a) Trade barriers

No matter how compelling the logic of the case for free trade is, in fact a wide variety of barriers

to free trade do exist.

Tariffs are excise taxes on imported goods; they may be imposed for purposes of revenue or

protection of local firms. Revenue tariffs are usually applied to products which are not produced

domestically, for example, tin, coffee, and bananas in the case of the United States. Rates on

revenue tariffs are typically modest and their purpose is to provide the federal government with tax

revenues. Protective tariffs, on the other hand, are designed to shield domestic producers from

fo reign competition. Protective tariffs usually put foreign producers at a competitive disadvantage