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учебное пособие по английскому 1 курс.doc
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9. Choose the correct form of the Participle.

1. Americans live in different houses (including, included) single detached homes, apartments, town-houses and mobile homes.

2. The government plays an important role in the economy (supporting, supported) economic projects.

3. The government financed the first major canal system (subsidizing, subsidized) its construction.

4. (Subsidizing, subsidized) scientific researches were (supporting, supported) by the government.

5. (Improving, improved) fertilizers help increase farm production.

6. (Suffering, suffered) from the decline the car production faces an unpromising future.

7. The (increasing, increased) number of women (working, worked) full-year round is a result of economy improvement.

Vocabulary and Comprehension Exercises

10. Give English equivalents.

Увеличиться в три раза, покупательная способность, увеличиться в четыре раза, производительность, ежегодно, средний класс, средний годовой доход, играть важную роль, поддерживать, частная собственность, государственный сектор, управлять чем-либо, предприниматель, сталкиваться с иностранной конкуренцией, свободная торговля, трудовые силы, составлять, рынок труда, частичная занятость, ориентированный на услуги, сферы, связанные со здравоохранением, безработица, пособие по безработице, зарплата, обучение профессии.

11. Give Russian equivalents.

Free enterprise system; per capita; to triple; to quadruple; extremely wealthy; annual income; single detached home; apartment; town-house; mobile home; private property; annually; part-time employment.

12. Answer the questions on the text. Use the following expressions to begin your answer.

The text tells the reader that…

I think…

I suppose…

If I got it right…

It seems to me that …

In my opinion …

1. What is the American economy?

2. What is the result of the nation’s income and productivity increase?

3. What is the economic status of Americans?

4. What role does the US government play in the economy?

5. What was (and what is) the role of the US federal government?

6. Which sector of the economy is larger private or public?

7. How large is the labor force of the country?

8. Why is labor force so large now?

9. How are American industries oriented?

13. Agree or disagree. Correct wrong statements.

I (quite) agree (with you). I don’t think so.

I think so too. I don’t agree.

Certainly! I think you are mistaken.

Just so. You are wrong.

1. The American economy is a free enterprise system.

2. Over the past 70 years the GNP per capita tripled.

3. Most American consider themselves as members of middle economic class.

4. Three-fourths of all married couples rent their homes.

5. The US government is not of great importance in the country.

6. The US government financed the first major canal system.

7. Economists consider that the public sector is more important than the private one.

8. The US is one of the greatest agricultural importer of soybeans and corn.

9. The bulk of America’s wealth is produced by public industries.

10. Women now is only a very small part of America’s total work force.

11. American industries are service-oriented.