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11. Answer the questions on the text. Use the following expressions to begin your answer.

The text tells the reader that…

I think…

I suppose…

If I got it right…

It seems to me that …

In my opinion …

1. What are major criteria that put Canada on the first place in the world in the 1990s.

2. What are macroeconomic parameters of Canada?

3. What is the structure of Canadian economy?

4. What is the result of the program encouraging foreign investments into Canada?

5. Why does Canada have close trade relations with many Asian countries of the Pacific Ocean region?

6. What does Canada export?

7. What natural resources is Canada rich in?

8. How is the most part of all electricity in Canada produced by?

9. What are Alberta and Saskatchewan famous for?

10. What are the main research spheres in Canada?

12. Agree or disagree. Correct wrong statements.

I (quite) agree (with you). I don’t think so.

I think so too. I don’t agree.

Certainly! I think you are mistaken.

Just so. You are wrong

1. According to general structure of living and some other criteria Canada is on the first place in the world.

2. Ecological situation of Canada is one of the best in the world.

3. Due to the program encouraging foreign investments into Canada the country lost 110 million of dollars.

4. Canada is the largest producer of energy in the world.

5. Prairies are places of Canadian farms.

6. Canada is rich in silver, cold, tin, bauxite, lead.

7. Atomic energy is the main source for producing electricity.

8. Canada is among leading highly industrialized countries of the world.

9. Due to the government support Canadian researchers have a great success in science.

10. The Nobel Prize was awarded to two Canadian scientists.

13. Arrange the sentences according to the text.

1. Canada is the largest manufacturer of newsprint in the world.

2. The greatest achievements of the last century were made in the sphere of transport and communication.

3. In the 1990s Canada was on the first place in the world on several criteria such as general standard of living, ecology, education and some others.

4. They are Dr. Gerhard and John Polagni.

5. Due to its geographic and economic reasons Canada not only sells the electric power but also exports petroleum.

6. Canada is one of the most ecologically safe countries in the world.

7. Two Canadian scientists were awarded the Nobel Prize.

8. Due to the program of foreign investments Canada developed new technology and organized new industrial spheres.

9. Canada is on the third place in the world in production of natural gas.

10. Canada has close trade relations with all countries of the world.

14. Complete the following sentences according to the text.

1. Canada is … (5)

2. Due to its … (3)

3. Canada produces …

4. Canada exports …

5. Canada imports …

15. Translate into English.

Канада стоит шестой в мире по уровню жизни (считая по GDP per capita), после США, Швейцарии, Люксембурга, Германии, и Японии. Но считая другие факторы: стоимость жизни, образование, уровень преступности и т.д., Канада была выбрана ООН лучшей страной для жизни. В Канаде один из самых низких в мире уровней преступности, особенно в плане преступлений, направленных против здоровья и жизни людей. Общая высокая культура населения и многочисленная, хорошо оснащенная и обученная полиция, которая работает чрезвычайно эффективно, позволяют чувствовать себя в любое время практически в любом месте совершенно безопасно. В городах Канады, таких как Торонто, Монреаль и Ванкувер, можно гулять в полной безопасности по паркам и аллеям в любое время суток. Это связано с тем, что в Канаде города представляют собой однородную массу, так как независимо от дохода вы можете позволить себе жить в том районе, который вам нравится - цены примерно везде одинаковы, т.о. нет "бедных" районов и "гетто" и проблемы преступности не существует.

16. Review the information you’ve got from Lesson 3. Summarize it using the suggested words and word combinations.

One of the most ecologically safe countries, to be the best on, the living standards, macroeconomic parameters, the total internal product, to be equal, to be of particular interest, to organize new industrial spheres, to be suitable for, due to its geographical and economic reasons, to be the leader in the sphere of, with thw support of the government, distributive system.