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Test on unit 3

Test yourselves. If you have problems with the test, revise the material of the unit and consult the dictionaries.

1. Canada is … country in the world.

A. the largest C. the first-largest

B. the second-largest D. the third-largest

2. Canada occupies … .

A. the northern part of the South America

B. the northern part of the North America

C. the northern part of the North American continent except for Alaska

D. the North American continent

3. Canada borders on … .

A. Russia and the USA C. the USA and Mexico

B. Russia D. the USA

4. Canada is … populated.

A. one of the most densely C. relatively sparsely

B. the least populated D. the most densely

5. Canada was thinly populated by … .

A. different Indian tribes C. the aborigines

B. Anglo-Saxons D. French tribes

6. The capital of Canada is … .

A. Ottawa C. Toronto

B. Montreal D. Vancouver

7. Canada’s most important river is … .

A. the Mackenzie C. the Columbia

B. the Yukon D. the St. Lawrence

8. The longest Canadian river is … .

A. the Mackenzie C. the Columbia

B. the Yukon D. the St. Lawrence

9. Electricity is mostly produced on the banks of … .

A. the Niagara and the Mackenzie C. the St. Lawrence and the Yukon

B. the Niagara and the St. Lawrence D. the St. Lawrence and the Columbia

10. The highest peak of Canada is … .

A. the Pennines C. Snowdon

B. Mount Logan D. Mount Kosciusco

11. The largest port of Canada is … .

A. Vancouver C. Toronto

B. Ottawa D. Quebec

12. The largest Canada’s financial, commercial and industrial centre is … .

A. Montreal C. Toronto

B. Vancouver D. Ottawa

13. The founder of Canada is … .

A. Columbus C. Jacques Cartier

B. Vasco da Gama D. Amerigo Vespucci

14. Canada is … .

A. an absolute monarchy C. a dictatorship

B. a federal republic D. a federal state

15. The official languages in Canada are … .

A. English and Spain C. English and American English

B. English and French D. English and Canadian English

16. There is … on the official flag of Canada.

A. a green birch leaf C. stars and stripes

B. a red maple leaf D. a red cross

17. Canada’s Parliament is composed of two Houses:

A. the House of Commons and the House of Representatives

B. the House of Representatives and the Senate

C. the House of Commons and the Senate

D. the House of Commons and the House of Lords

18. The members of Canadian Parliament are elected every … .

A. two years C. four years

B. three years D. five years

19. Canada is a member of … .

A. the British Commonwealth C. the Australian Commonwealth

B. the American Commonwealth D. the CIS

20. The Queen is represented by … .

A. the President C. the Members of the Cabinet

B. the Prime Minister D. the Governor General

21. The real executive power is in the hands of … .

A. the Prime Minister C. the Governor General

B. the Queen D. the President

22. Canada consists of … .

A. provinces C. provinces and territories

B. states D. territories

23. General standard of living in Canada in 1990s was … .

A. as in the most countries of the world C. the best in the world

B. poorer than in the most countries D. the worst in the world

24. Canada is … .

A. a highly developed country C. a less developed country

B. a developing country D. an underdeveloped country

25. Canada is the largest manufacturer of … in the world.

A. gas and oil C. newsprint

B. consumer goods D. wheat

26. Canada is a leader in the sphere of science and technology due to … .

A. its highly developed education C. its scientists

B. its mineral resources D. its government

27. The school year in Canada begins on … .

A. the first of September C. the first Tuesday of October

B. the first Tuesday of September D. the first of October