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учебное пособие по английскому 1 курс.doc
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Vocabulary on the text

ability, n – способность, умение

advantage, n – преимущество; выгода, польза

apply, v, – 1) обращаться (for – за работой, помощью и т.д.; to – к к-л); 2) касаться, относиться; 3) применять, употреблять

attitude, n – позиция, отношение (к ч-л)

belong, v, – принадлежать, относиться (to – к ч-л); быть связанным (to, with, among – с к-л, ч-л)

dangerous, a – опасный, рискованный

elimination, n – исключение

exist, v, – существовать, быть

facility, n – легкость; отсутствие препятствий и помех; pl – возможности, благоприятные условия; pl – оборудование

harmful, a – вредный, пагубный, губительный

justification, n – оправдание

maintain, v, – поддерживать, сохранять

predominance, n – преобладание, господство

profitable, a – прибыльный, выгодный, доходный, полезный

property, n – имущество, собственность

public, a – общественный, государственный

safety, n – безопасность, надежность, сохранность: adv, – в сохранности

saving, n – pl – сбережения

security, n – безопасность, надежность; защита, охрана; уверенность

selfish, a – эгоистичный

suffer, v, – страдать, терпеть, сносить

undesirable, a – нежелательный; неподходящий

Phonetic and lexical exercises

1. Classify the words according to the type of their reading.

Form, state, tax, by, set, part, scale, thank, whole, gift, arm, land, gas, else, force, where, less, case, fact, exist, loss, role, entire, risk, thus, life, act, single, line.

2. Complete the table with the derivatives.





Ownership, respond, director, able, taxation, effect, essential (2), basic, defense, develop, responsible, changeable, deliver, act, secure (2), defend, owner, directly, tax (2), require, required, dominate, actively, response, change (2), defensive, ability, predominant, effectively, basically, apply, taxable, activity, requirement, application, securely, effectiveness, active, applicable, basis, delivery, predominance, own, base, security, essence, profit, direct (2), responsibility, predominantly, effective, development, profitable.

3. Translate the word combinations into Russian.

State schools, state monopoly, state inVolvement, state ownership, non-state ownership, market potential, market orientation, labor motivation, socialist philosophy, production decisions, health services, public sector model, public sector activity, private sector operations, commercial success criteria.

4. A) Study the following information.

In English he following words are often used as links in the sentences:

obviously – очевидно;

besides - кроме того;

although – хотя;

according to - в соответствии с;

therefore – следовательно;

thus - таким образом.

b) Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Therefore, such facilities as health services, state schools, subsidised housing, etc. must be responsibility of public enterprise.

2. Besides these factors low effectiveness of state ownership appears because of elimination of personal responsibility of owner and loss of market orientation.

3. Thus only state monopoly is undesirable and state ownership plays an essential role in the economy.

4. This may be considered a mixture of private sector operations with public ownership of assets, although in some forms the private sector's control and/or risk is so great that the service may no longer be considered part of the public sector.

5. Publicly owned corporations differ from direct administration in that they have greater commercial freedoms and are expected to operate according to commercial criteria.

6. Obviously, the police and the armed forces must be controlled by the government.

Grammar exercises