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14. Answer the questions on the text. Use the following expressions to begin your answer.

The text tells the reader that…

I think…

I suppose…

If I got it right…

It seems to me that …

In my opinion …

1. How large is Canada?

2. Where is Canada situated?

3. What oceans is Canada washed by?

4. What is the capital of Canada?

5. What is Canada’s climate?

6. What are the main lakes in Canada?

7. What are the most important rivers in Canada?

8. Why do the Niagara and the St. Lawrence play a very important role in Canada’s economy?

9. What is Western Canada famous for?

10. What is the tallest peak of Canada?

11. How can Canada be divided into?

12. What are the main natural resources in Canada?

13. Is Canada densely populated country?

15. Agree or disagree. Correct wrong statements.

I (quite) agree (with you). I don’t think so.

I think so too. I don’t agree.

Certainly! I think you are mistaken.

Just so. You are wrong

1. Canada is one of the biggest countries in the world. The size of its territory places it fourth in the world.

2. Canada is washed by the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean.

3. The capital of Canada is Ottawa.

4. Canada borders on the USA and Mexico.

5. The majority of Canadian territories have subtropical climate.

6. Canada is famous for its lakes.

7. The largest lake is Great Bear Lake.

8. The St. Lawrence is the longest river in Canada.

9. The Niagara is used for producing electricity.

10. Eastern Canada is famous for the Rocky Mountains.

11. All the main cities are situated in Eastern Canada.

12. Canada is divided into four parts.

13. The main natural resources in Canada are nickel, zinc, copper, gold, tin, silver, coal, oil and gas.

14. Canada is one of the most densely populated countries of the world.

16. Arrange the sentences according to the text.

1. The main lakes are Huron, Great Bear, Superior, Great Slave, Winnipeg, Erie and Ontario.

2. Canada borders on the USA in the south and in the west.

3. The main natural resources are nickel, zinc, copper, gold, tin, silver, cold, oil and gas.

4. Canada is situated to the North from the USA between the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean.

5. In the Arctic region there is tundra which is divided to the north into many islands covered with ice all the year round.

6. The largest Canadian river is the Mackenzie.

7. In winter almost all the territory of the country is covered with snow and rivers and lakes are covered with ice.

8. Canada can be divided into five parts with different physical and geographical characteristics.

9. The capital of Canada is Ottawa, in the province of Ontario.

10. The mountain chains of Canada are located along the meridians and do not protect its southern part from the influence of the Arctic winds.

11. The Niagara and the St. Lawrence rivers connect Canada to the USA.

12. The majority of Canadian territories have continental climate.

17. Complete the following sentences according to the text.

1. Canada is …

2. Canada is situated to …

3. Canada borders on …

4. There are many climatic variations in Canada …

5. The St. Lawrence is Canada’s …

6. The Columbia is used for …

7. Though most of Canada’s territory …

8. The Canadian Shield …

9. Canada is divided into …

10. The population of Canada …

18. Translate into English.

1. Территория страны составляет 9976,1 тыс. кв. км.

2. Население Канады - 30,3 млн. человек. Столица государства - Оттава

3. Климат большей части арктический и субарктический, на юге умеренный, преимущественно континентальный. Средняя температура января от -35 °С, -30 ­°С на крайнем севере и -18 °С, -20 °С на юге центральных районов до -5 °С, -7 °С на Атлантическом и 1 °С, 4 °С на Тихоокеанском побережьях. Средняя температура июля от 4-7 °С на севере до 16-18 °С в большинстве южных районов и до 21 °С на крайнем юге "полуострова Онтарио". Годовая сумма осадков на западном побережье более 2500 мм, на восточном - до 1250 мм, в центральных районах 400-250 мм, на С. менее 150 мм. Почти повсеместно - устойчивый снежный покров; максимальная толщина его до 150 см (полуостров Лабрадор).

Do you know that:

  • The word Canada comes from one of the Red Indian languages- "Kannata", meaning "a number of huts". Canada is often called the "Land of the Maple Leaf". The maple leaf is the natural emblem of Canada.

  • Canada was thinly populated by different Indian tribes. In the Far North there were tribes of Eskimos. Modern Canada originated as a country of immigrants. The First European appeared on Canadian soil between 15th and 16thcenturies.

  • French explorer Jacques Cartier, who discovered the Gulf of St. Lawrence in 1534, is generally regarded as the founder of Canada. But English seaman John Cabot sighted Newfoundland 37 years earlier, in 1497, and Vikings are believed to have reached the Atlantic coast centuries before either explorer.

  • Then many temporary settlements of Spanish, Portuguese, English and French fish men began to appear on the coasts of Newfoundland.

  • The French explorers established the first permanent settlements at Quebec (1608) and Montreal (1642), and declared New France a colony in 1663.

  • The early period of Canadian history passed in the struggle between the two powers, France and England.

  • Canada is the second largest country in the world.

  • About 2 per cent of Canada is covered by glacier ice. The central plains form the prairies. Much of the land of Canada is still in a state of wilderness.

19. Review the information you’ve got from Lesson 1. Summarize it using the suggested words and word combinations.

To be washed by, to border on, to be situated to …, to be the second-largest country, in the south, in the west, the length of, climatic variations, ranging from … to…, the main lakes, to be covered with, Canada’s most important river, to play a very important role in economy, to be used for producing, to be due to, to be occupied by, vast mountain ranges, to be famous for, to be divide into, the main natural resources, to be characterized by.