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The distribution of industries

The Middle Atlantic Region stretches along the Atlantic coast from New York to Baltimore. As a "funnel" for many of the United States' imports and exports, this well-established area attracts a major share of the nation's processing, with a full range of industries from the heaviest to the lightest.

The Northern Appalachians. In the valleys round Scranton and Wilkes-Barre there is a small industrial area, located on the Pennsylvania anthracite field. Suffering today from problems of accessibility and from the decline in anthracite production, this old industrial area faces an unpromising future.

Southern New England. In the three states of Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut, where manufacturing is wide-spread, lies the country's oldest industrial area. Textile and leather goods industries are developed there. Boston is the largest manufacturing centre and the commercial hub of this region.

The Mohawl Valley, a linear industrial belt stretching from Albany to Rochester, N.Y. A number of manufacturing towns has grown up there, each with its own specialties.

The Industrial Eastern Interior. Throughout a wide region that includes the Ohio Valleys, the eastern Corn Belt and south-western Ontario, industry has everywhere penetrated into what is still basically an agricultural section and has created such large industrial centers as Toronto and Cincinnati, while industry's original business in this area was the supply of farm requirements and the processing of farm products.

The Pittsburgh-Lake Erie Region, stretching along the coal and iron routes of the Great Lakes and Appalachian area from Toledo to Buffalo, and southward into Ohio and western Pennsylvania. This is the core area of American heavy industry.

The Chicago-Lake Michigan Region. This has many of the characteristics of the Lake Erie steel area. But it also fulfils the supply and processing functions typical of the Eastern Interior as a whole. In both roles Chicago dominates the Interior, with more than 5 per cent of United States industrial employment.

Michigan. The state's manufacturing is dominated by the automobile industry. Nearly 30 per cent of Michigan's industrial workers is associated directly with it, and in Detroit this figure rises to over 30 per cent. Branches of the industry are to be found scattered widely throughout the state.

The Cities of the Western Interior, among which the most important are Winnipeg, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Kansas City and St. Louis. These cities and scores of lesser centers, perform in nearly every case the same double function. They serve as regional supply points, and they participate in the Mid-West's basic industries - meat packing, flour milling, and the production of agricultural machinery.

The South-Eastern Region, a wide horseshoe round the southern end of the Appalachians. It has been the scene of much recent development, powered by hydro-electricity and Southern petroleum, and specializations in cotton textiles, tobacco, chemicals and plastics.

The Texas and Gulf Coast Region. This industrial area is of recent growth, and its resources and facilities have already attracted a wide variety of plants to the coast and to the island oilfield regions.

The Pacific Coast. As another new industrial area, the Coast has developed a wide range of products for both local and national markets. Three types of industries are developed there: food processing, lumber manufacturing, and transport equipment.

  1. Render into English.

    1. Уолл-стрит в Нью-Йорке является символом американской экономики.

    2. Экономика США - крупнейшая и одна из наиболее диверсифицированныхнациональных экономик мира, она также является локомотивоммировой экономики.

    3. ВВП страны за 2009г. составил $14,0 трлн. Основная роль в принятии экономических решений принадлежит публичным корпорациям и частным компаниям.

    4. Большая часть американского ВВП(79,4 % - 2004 г.) создается в отраслях сферы услуг, куда относятся, прежде всего, образование, здравоохранение, наука, финансы, торговля, различные профессиональные и личные услуги, транспорт и связь, услуга государственных учреждений.

    5. На долю материального производства (сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство и рыбная промышленность, добывающая и обрабатывающая промышленность, строительство), таким образом, остается 20,6 % ВВП. В сфере сельского хозяйства создаётся около 0,9 % ВВП, а промышленность даёт менее 20 % ВВП.

    6. Среди развитых стран мира СШАпрактически не имеет конкурентов по своему индустриальному развитию. Общая закономерность происходящих отраслевых сдвигов заключается в заметном снижении в экономике удельного веса сырьевых отраслей и сельского хозяйства. Среди отраслей материальной сферы промышленность остается важнейшей, она по-прежнему обеспечивает высокий уровень технического развития других сфер хозяйства. Именно в ней сегодня в первую очередь аккумулируются новейшие достиженияНТП. США располагают одним из самых высокоэффективных хозяйств в мире. Отличительной чертой их экономики является ориентация наНТПи передовую технику. Она лидирует в области внедрения результатовНТПв производство, в экспорте лицензий на свои открытия, изобретения и новейшие разработки. Все это зачастую приводит к зависимости других стран от США в области науки и техники.

  1. Review the information you’ve got from Lesson 3. Summarize it using the suggested words and word combinations.

A free enterprise system, the nation’s income and productivity, in real purchasing power, the gross national product, per capita, to support, economic activity, to account for, in private hands, improved farm machinery, to be in the labor force, more service-oriented, to subsidize, a major share of the nation’s processing, the state’s manufacturing, to be dominated by/