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Video and Image Processing Suite User Guide Avalon st video.pdf
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Running the Tests























class c_av_st_video_file_io


Parameterized class.


Extends c_av_video_item. Comprises of width, height, and interlaced bits (the fields found in an Avalon-ST video control packet). It also contains data types and methods that control the addition of garbage beats that are used by other classes. The class provides methods to get and set the individual fields.

class c_av_st_user_packet

This parameterized class is defined in a separate file (av_st_video_


file_io_class.sv) because some test environments do not use video


data from a file, using constrained random data generated by the


other classes instead.


This class provides the following methods:


• to read and write video files (in .raw format)


• to send or receive videos and control packet objects to or from


the mailbox.


Variables that govern the file I/O details include the ability to


artificially lengthen and shorten video packets and to introduce


garbage beats into control packets by various get and set method




Typical usage of the file I/O class is to construct two objects—a


reader and a writer, call the open file methods for both, call the


read_file method for the reader, and repeatedly call the wait_


for_and_write_video_packet_to_file method in the writer.


The parameters for this class are BITS_PER_CHANNEL and





Running the Tests

This example system is available in the Quartus II install directory.

• For example video files test:


• For constrained random test:

$(QUARTUS_ROOTDIR)/../ip/altera/vip/verification/ example_constrained_random

Note: The actual commands used in this section are for a Linux example. However, the same flow applies for Windows users.

1.Automatically generate the tb.v netlist from the Qsys system integration tool in the Quartus II software.

Avalon-ST Video Verification IP Suite

Altera Corporation



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Running the Tests





a. Copy the verification files to a local directory and cd to the testbench directory.

>cp $(QUARTUS_ROOTDIR)/../ip/altera/vip/verification $ALTERA_VIDEO_VERIFICATION >cd $ALTERA_VIDEO_VERIFICATION/testbench

b.Start the Qsys system integration tool from the Quartus II software (tools > Qsys or through command line.


c.Load the Qsys project. Double-click tb.qsys.

d.Update the IP search path by selecting from the Tools menu > Options > Add. Navigate to one directory higher and into the dut directory.

e.Click Open, then Finish.

The system refreshes and shows the RGBtogreyscaleconvertor (in between Avalon-ST source and sink BFMs), which is our example DUT. You can easily replaced this example by any other user IP function.

Figure A-3: Qsys Dialog Box

f.Create the tb.v netlist from the Qsys project by selecting Generation, set Create simulation model to Verilog. Select Generate. Close the generate completed dialog box, and exit Qsys.

Qsys has now generated the tb.v netlist and all the required simulation files.

Altera Corporation

Avalon-ST Video Verification IP Suite



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Running the Tests





Figure A-4: tb.v Netlist

2.Run the test by changing to the example video files test or example constrained random test directory and start the QuestaSimsoftware.

Note: You can also run this test with the ModelSim® software but this test does not support the ModelSim-Altera Edition (AE) or ModelSim-Altera Starter Edition (ASE) softwares.

• For example video files test:

>cd $ALTERA_VIDEO_VERIFICATION/example_video_files >vsim –do run.tcl

• For constrained random test:

>cd $ALTERA_VIDEO_VERIFICATION/example_constrained_random >vsim –do run.tcl

Note: To run with other simulators, edit the run.tcl file as provided by Qsys (including the appropriate TCL script for that vendor’s simulator). The test runs and completes with the following message:

“Simulation complete. To view resultant video, now run the windows raw2avi application.”

The example video files test produces a raw output video file (vip_car_out.raw). Together with an .spc file (vip_car_out.spc), you can use the vip_car_out.raw to generate an .avi file for viewing.

Avalon-ST Video Verification IP Suite

Altera Corporation



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