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АнглІйська 6.doc
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Хід уроку

  1. Організація класу. Привітання.

  2. Підготовка до іншомовного мовлення.

Фонетична і мовленнєва зарядка.

  1. Основна частина уроку.

What are your strengths? Here are 24 questions. Tick whichever questions seem definitely to deserve the answer “yes.” If you are not sure about putting a tick, read each set of 3 questions in the following succession: V1→A1-K1, etc.

Visual (V):

1). Do you like to have the whole picture?

2). Do you like to talk in detail

3). Can you spell words well?

4). Are you only confused when spelling new words you have never seen before?

5).Are you a fast reader?

6). Do you reed well?

7). When you write is it neat and well laid out?

8). Do you have a vivid imagination?

Audial (A):

1). Do you love discussions?

2). Do you tell the whole sentence of an event?

3). Do you spell by the sounds of the letters and using a rhythm?

4). Do you enjoy reading aloud?

5). Do you enjoy listening?

6). When you read to yourself, do you move your lips or hear a voice in your head?

7). Would you rather talk than write?

8). Do you like to talk while you write?

Kinesthetic (K):

1). Do you prefer not too speak but do lots of gestures when you do speak?

2). Do you spell using your body movements e.g. your fingers?

3). Do you remember how to spell words when you have an emotion about the word?

4). Do you like to read books with lots of action and lots of events in the plot?

5).When you read do you experience in your own body the actions of the story?

6). When you write do you press hard?

7). When you write is your writing untidy?

8). Are you strongly intuitive? FEEDBACK

Simply count the number of ticks in the Visual “V” column and write down the total of your Audial “A” and Kinesthetic “K” scores.

Usually a person is strong in one sense, then quite strong in another sense and weaker in the other sense. Are you VA, VK or AK? Or are VAK (or AVK or KVA or KAV)?

  • If Visual is your strongest sense think how you can use the strength more, e.g. collecting or doing more diagrams and pictures to help you learn and remember.

  • If Audial is your strongest sense, try to learn better, talk things more with others and inside your head and think of making and using tapes.

  • If Kinesthetic is your strongest sense, do more actions and movements to help you learn, e.g. draw diagrams and trace them with your fingers.

4. Заключна частина уроку.

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