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Zimbra Implement, Administer and Manage.pdf
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This material is copyright and is licensed for the sole use by Kliwon Klimis on 28th October 2008 425 cilce, , frood, grradt, 525254

Chapter 2

4.With all the ports entered, click OK and you will be prompted to restart the firewall. Click YES and the firewall configuration is complete.

Uninstalling Zimbra

If at any time you find it necessary to uninstall the Zimbra Collaboration Suite, the process is actually very simple and straightforward. Uninstalling the ZCS also means deleting all the data (emails accounts, emails, etc.). On Red Hat and Suse you need to:

1.From a command line, change directory to the /temp/zcs, where you first unzipped the installation file.

2.As root run the following command:

./install.sh –u

3.The –u switch informs the installer to remove any instances of Zimbra it finds.

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This material is copyright and is licensed for the sole use by Kliwon Klimis on 28th October 2008 425 cilce, , frood, grradt, 525254

Installing Zimbra

On MAC OS X, the script is different. Go to the directory you installed Zimbra, and from the command line run the following command:

sudo install.mac.sh -u


In this chapter, we installed our Zimbra Collaboration Suite for use by Email

Collaboration Services, Inc. Although, the company will be using Red Hat Enterprise

Linux 4, we discussed installing the Suite on SUSE ES 9 and MAC OS X 10.4.7 as well. We also looked at preparing the server for the installation including editing the

/etc/hosts file, installing and configuring DNS, making Java 1.5 the default virtual machine on MAC OS X and turning sendmail off. We also discussed configuring the

firewall after installing Zimbra.

Finally, we ended the chapter with a look at uninstalling the Zimbra Collaboration

Suite when and if necessary. In the next chapter, we will begin looking at how to administer our newly installed server.

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This material is copyright and is licensed for the sole use by Kliwon Klimis on 28th October 2008 425 cilce, , frood, grradt, 525254

Administrating Zimbra

Now that we have the Zimbra Collaboration Suite installed, it is time to discuss the tasks and responsibilities necessary to maintain a stable and scalable messaging infrastructure. As the Zimbra Administrator, you are responsible for installing, configuring, maintaining, supporting, and optimizing the Zimbra Collaboration

Suite. In the previous chapter, we have covered the installing piece in detail. In this chapter, we will cover the configuring, maintaining, and supporting pieces. Later, we will discuss how to optimize and monitor our system.

A typical job description for an email administrator for any messaging system may include:

Manage and administer the email system and all of its related software and hardware.

Create, modify, and delete user accounts and set appropriate permissions and class of service for each account.

Provide on-call technical support for the email users.

Set up and administer storage space allotments and quotas.

Maintain the email database, and track error and system logs.

Install and configure anti-spam and anti-spyware solutions.

Recommend, schedule, and perform software updates and upgrades as needed.

Create and maintain sharing of address books, documents, and calendaring.

Maintain the Global Address List for the organization.

Develop, implement, and maintain policies, procedures, and training plans for the appropriate use of the email system.

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