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3.5 Have to

Глагол to have с инфинитивом означает долженствование, вызванное необходимостью или иными обстоятельствами. Перевод осуществляется при помощи таких слов как: приходится, надо, быть вынужденным и др.

The merger might fail. In that case the board would have to decide what to do. - Слияние может и не состояться. В этом случае совету директоров пришлось бы решать, что предпринять.

Оборот to have to, обычно со словом yet, может означать отрицание

I have yet to see a single unemployed becoming suddenly a millionaire. - Я еще не видел ни одного безработного, который вдруг стал бы миллионером.

Оборот have to может также означать достаточность.

We have only to contrast what has happened to living standards in West Germany and Japan. - Достаточно лишь провести сравнение с тем, как изменился уровень жизни в Западной Германии и Японии.

Translate the following sentences:

That can only mean one of two things or both. There will have to be savage cuts in the real value of unemployment and social security payments. Indeed, the government has already started on that road. There will also have to be savage cuts in the real wages of public sector workers. The government's 6 per cent limit is the first installment of that.

Another poor sign: once a rice exporting country, last year Madagascar had to import 170,000 tons.

To meet the export requirements the domestic consumption has had to be curtailed.

United Nations economists warn that something drastic has to be done, or developing countries will be forced to reduce their rate of social and economic expansion.

We have to live with the situation and find other means of dealing with the unemployment problem.

The Government will have to take further unpopular measures in the not too distant future if it wants to achieve real turnaround with regard to the external and budget deficits.

West German economic policy has had to strike a fine balance between the external and domestic sectors of the economy.

In that context, let me assure you too that I know very well how strongly you feel about the high interest rates we are having to endure in the first phase of our battle against inflation.

Their visits to the manufacturing plants and talks with off-shore oil systems suppliers had created confidence which would be of invaluable importance when decisions have to be taken about possible suppliers to the Norwegian off-shore oil supplies industry.

3.6 Can (could)

Модальный глагол can (could) в своем прямом значении выражает возможность или способность выполнить действие и переводится мочь, уметь.

Orthodox economics agrees that a tax cut can increase investment. - В классической экономической теории утверждается, что снижение налогов может стимулировать инвестиции. (Согласно классической экономической теории…)

В вопросительных и утвердительных предложениях может выражать разрешение совершить действие, а в отрицательных – запрет. Форма could выражает меньшую уверенность или сомнение.

It could be true but it is advisable to wait before the revised figures have been published. - Может быть это и правда, но лучше подождать, пока опубликуют пересмотренные (уточненные) данные.

В сочетании с неперфектной и перфектной формой (относит действие к прошлому) инфинитива can может выражать сильное сомнение, недоверие, удивление в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях, и часто переводится неужели, не может быть, чтобы и т.д.

Could the world have escaped recession? - Неужели мир избежит рецессии?

British manufactures cant seem to get a brake. - Маловероятно (Не похоже на то, что…) британские производители получат «передышку».

Translate the following sentences:

  1. Inflated house prices can pose an even bigger risk to the world economy than oil.

  2. The imbalance between Germany and France could even undermine the Continent’s nascent economic recovery. Germany, the euro zone’s largest economy, could drag France down if growth doesn’t pick up soon.

  3. Could higher oil prices once again push the world economy into recession?

  4. An increase in properly prices, after more than a decade of decline, could do wonders for consumer confidence.

  5. America’s monetary policy is the loosest for 30 years. The interest rates cannot stay where they are for ever.

  6. The surge in China’s foreign exchange reserves suggests that the yuan is being held down, but this largely reflects short-term capital inflows from investors speculating on a revaluation: these flows could go into reverse.

  7. Could the productivity boom have made asset owners rich – and left many wage-earners behind?

  8. Can weak job growth derail this recovery? – that question is equally important to the out look: After all, if consumers can’t find jobs, or if they feel worried about their employment prospects, they could snap their wallets shut. A consumer pullback could be disaster for growth.

  9. The weak labour market cannot be discounted as a drag on the recovery.

  10. The correlation between changes in America and European share prices has risen from 0.4 in the mid 1990s to 0.8 last year. Crudely, that means that movement on Wall Street can explain 80% of price movement in Europe.

  11. If stock markets tumble on even healthy economics, then business and consumer confidence there can be hurt.

  12. The report noted that companies could claim back the entire cost of investments in plant and machinery in tax relief – one of the most favourable tax benefits of any industrialized nation.

  13. People say that the former prime minister could have been a better prime minister if he had been able to secure a sustained growth.