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52. Swiss Machine Tool Group in ipo

The recovery in the fortunes of the Swiss machine tool industry has been under­lined by the decision of Tornos, one of the world's lead­ing producers of automatic lathes, to float its shares on the Swiss stock market in an initial public offering that could value the company at more than SFr400m ($243m).

Tornos is one of the great names of the Swiss machine tool industry. It is one of the world' biggest makers of high-precision lathes for industries ranging from watch-making to medical technology and the car industry. Exports account for some 90 per cent of sales.

However, like many old names in the Swiss machine tool industry, it ran into financial problems in the 1980s because of its high cost base and failure to match high-tech competition from countries such as Japan.

The slump in demand for machine tools early in the 1990s, linked to the world recession, compounded Tornos's difficulties.

In March 1995, Anton Menth, the current chief executive, was brought in from outside the machine tool industry at the behest of the group's bankers, who were owed SFr70m and were under pressure to write off their debts to prevent the company failing.

Mr Menth cut stocks and concentrated production on one site. In addition, he replaced many of the group mechanical engineers with software experts and reduced the time taken to build a machine from nine months to six weeks.

Under Mr Menth, Tornos has nearly trebled its sales and doubled its workforce to more than 1,000 people. Last year it increased sales by 26 per cent to SFr370m and its operating income before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation rose 23 per cent to SFr41.9m.

Over the past three years Tornos's sales have grown at an average 23.5 per cent a year.

In early 1999 Tornos was sold to Doughty Hanson, the UK venture capitalist, after the previous owners and their banks had aborted an attempted IPO because of weak market conditions. The new IPO, which is being led by Credit Suisse First Bos­ton, is primarily to finance future growth.

Tornos will be the third Swiss company that Doughty Hanson has floated on the Swiss market.


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