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Section 4 advertsing and promotion lead-in

Whereas marketing aims to identify markets that will purchase a product (business) or support an idea and then facilitate that purchase, advertising is the paid communication by which information about the product or idea is transmitted to potential consumers.

In general, advertising is used to convey availability of a "product" (which can be a physical product, a service, or an idea) and to provide information regarding the product. This can stimulate demand for the product, one of the main objectives of advertising. More specifically, there are three generic objectives of advertisements : communicate information about a particular product, service, or brand (including announcing the existence of the produce, where to purchase it, and how to use it), persuade people to buy the product, and keep the organization in the public eye (called institutional advertising).

Some commercial advertising media include billboards or hoardings, printed flyers, radio, cinema and television ads or commercials, web banners, bus stop benches, magazines, newspapers, sides of buses, taxicab doors and roof mounts, musical stage shows, elastic bands on disposable diapers, stickers on apples in supermarkets, and the backs of event tickets and supermarket receipts. Any place an "identified" sponsor pays to deliver their message through a medium is advertising.

Product endorsements are when famous people recommend a product.

Advertising is often designed and managed by advertising agencies.

An advertising campaign consists of a series of advertisements, adverts, or ads which are run in various media.

Another way of telling people about products is by direct marketing, using techniques like mailings, also known as mail shots: these are often referred to derisively by recipients as junk mail.

The promotion of a product may refer to any marketing effort to encourage people to buy it, including advertising. However, promotion is often used to refer specifically to marketing activities other than advertising: offers such as discounts, cut-price vouchers, free gifts, displays or events at the point-of-sale, the place in the retail outlet where the product is sold.

Discounts may be given in a sale at a particular time of year such as summer or January, often to get rid of remaining stock.

Merchandising refers to the promotion of a product by developing strategies for packaging, displaying, and publicizing it, and more commonly, to commercial products that are developed as spin-offs from the success of a movie, TV program, sports team, or event such as toys and T-shirts.



- рекламное дело, рекламная деятельность, рекламный бизнес




- реклама, рекламное объявление; объявление


- свидетельство, рекомендация: высказывание известного в обществе или в определенных кругах человека, выявляющее его положительное отношение к качеству определенного продукта, что используется в рекламных целях

advertising agency

- рекламное агентство

advertising campaign

- рекламная кампания: комплекс рекламных и сопутствующих мероприятий, осуществляемых с целью продвижения товара на рынке и стимулирования продаж

direct marketing

- прямой маркетинг: розничная продажа или реклама товара с выходом непосредственно на потенциального покупателя, для чего используются такие средства, как почта (в том числе электронная), телефон, визиты агента по продаже и т. п.


mailing shot

- рассылка, отправка почтой; рассылка рекламных материалов в прямой почтовой рекламе

junk mail

- спам, почтовый "мусор": рекламные материалы, рассылаемые по почте бесплатно, не представляющие для получателя особой ценности


- рекламный материал: рекламные объявления, листовки, проспекты, брошюры, плакаты и иные материалы, используемые с целью продвижения компаний, людей, товаров, идей

point-of-sale advertising

- реклама в местах продаж, реклама на месте покупки (реклама нового продукта, которая осуществляется непосредственно в магазине для привлечения потенциальных покупателей)


- мерчендайзинг, выкладывание: обеспечение эффективности продаж товара без активного участия специального персонала- путем удачного размещения товара, эффектного оформления торгового места, обеспечения достаточного запаса товара на полке и т. п.


  1. Why is advertising so important?

  2. What are the three generic objectives of advertisements?

  3. What are the means of commercial advertising media?

  4. What is merchandising?

  5. What do firms and companies usually do to get rid of remaining stock?