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Сборник лучших докладов_2014.pdf
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туациях, которые детерминируют поведение человека, задают ему определенный «горизонт видения», и являются важной характеристикой его личности, поскольку определяют его отношения и особенности взаимодействия с окружающими людьми.

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Т. В. Дорофеева, студ. 2 курса

Научные руководители ст. преподаватель О. В. Акулова, ст. преподаватель Н. М. Перепелкина

The labour market is one of the main elements of a market economy. The main components of it are demand and supply. There exist equilibrium and imbalance positions, the latter resulting in imbalance between demand for and supply of labour.


The topicality of the paper presented is determined by imbalance between demand for labour force and supply of one in relation to professional manpower training in the Republic of Karelia.

The aim of the paper is to disclose the problem of imbalance between demand and supply in the labour market as a very important one for the region.

Imbalance between demand for and supply of labour in Karelia is a situation when job applicants do not possess proper qualification required by employers. It is this situation that leads to a surplus of workers in some economic sectors and a shortage of them in other ones.

Professional and qualification imbalance in the labour market is the serious problem reducing efficiency of social production due to the emergence of disparity between qualification characteristics of an employee and qualification requirements of jobsites. Therefore, nowadays the actual task is to overcome this disparity.

Let us start analyzing the number of manpower on the 1st of January, 2013 in accordance with All-Russian occupation classifier. The greatest number of manpower is both workers of different qualification levels and specialists with secondary and university vocational education. For example, operators, machine operative account for 18.5 percent, specialists with university education – 17.0 percent, specialists with secondary education make up 15,7 percent of the whole size of labour force [2; 8].

There is a tendency to decreasing a share of workers with different qualification levels, the portion of employees in services sector, public utilities sector, the field of commerce increasing from 4,5 percent in 2011 to 6,6 percent in 2013 [2; 8].

The character of labour force in terms of education levels has hardly changed in recent years. Nearly half of all those employed in 2012–2013 is employees having primary vocational education. About 14 percent of all employee's number is unskilled workers [2; 9].

It is important to consider demand for manpower in terms of professions and specialties. This prognostic data was obtained in relation to levels of vocational education; 119 professions of primary vocational education, 78 specialties of secondary vocational education and 81 specialties university education were taken into account as well. In line with the forecast the additional number of labour demanded by large-scale and small enterprises in Karelia in 2014 accounts for 5161 persons. As to education level, workers having primary vocational education are the most popular [2; 9].

There is an excess demand for such manpower with primary vocational education as a seller, a driver, a motor mechanic, a fireman, a welder etc.


In addition, there is a need in specialists with secondary vocational education in Karelia. They are medical staff (that is, a nurse, a medical assistant, a laboratory assistant), also social workers, specialists in pre-school education etc.

Such manpower with university vocational education as doctors, teachers, engineers is in excess demand as well.

The highest of those is the demand for labour force having primary vocational education, it accounts for nearly 50 percent [2; 12].

Nowadays the status of workers with secondary vocational education is conflicting enough. An employer often considers such specialists as semiprofessionals and makes them get higher education.

There has been a university education boom in recent years. Every employer considers a university graduate to be able to pose a problem, to solve it, to show insistence and to bring any work up to the end. Therefore, one of employer’s claims is the availability of university vocational education.

This table 1 represents disparity between the graduates of specialists with different education levels and the demand for labour. We see, the demand for manpower with primary vocational education is 2 point 5 times more than the number of graduates. However, the demand for manpower with secondary and university vocational education is 1 point 2 times less than the number of graduates [2; 12].




Table 1

Level of education



Demand /








> 2,5 times




< 1,2 times




< 1,2 times





One of the most important indicators for estimation of efficiency of educational institution activity is job placement of graduates according to their profession or specialty received. For example, 69 percent of graduates with university vocational education was employed in 2013, 47 percent of graduates being employed in line with received profession or specialty [1; 14].

This situation in the labour market tells us about disparity between standards of manpower training and demand for labour by regional economy. At present there dominate specialists with university vocational education. The share of university education increased from 31 percent in 2008 to 39 percent in 2013. At the same time, the share of primary education decreased from 37 percent in 2008 to 27 percent in 2013 [2; 13].


It is important to consider the ratio between demand for labour by employers and the number of specialists in different spheres in 2013. The structure and volume of manpower training are deformed.

The number of specialists with primary vocational education is inadequate. The demand for labour exceeds the number of graduates in many fields of education. The deficit of manpower training can be viewed in such groups as «Services sector», «Means of transport», «Architecture and construction», «Energy», «Metallurgy and mechanical engineering» [2; 14].

The situation is quite opposite in the field of secondary and university vocational education. There are enough graduates and in some cases, even more than it is necessary.

For example, the number of graduates with secondary vocational education greatly exceeds the demand for them in such groups as «Economics and management», «Services sector», «Means of transport», «Architecture and construction». At this moment, we can see the shortage of labour in such fields as « Health protection», «Education and pedagogics», «Social sciences» [2; 15].

There is a surplus of specialists with university vocational education in such groups as «Economics and management», «Humanities», «Computer science and computer engineering» and a shortage of these specialists in «Health protection», «Education and pedagogics», «Means of transport», «Energy» [2; 16].

To decrease imbalance between demand for and supply of labour it is necessary to spend large amounts of money for carrying out vocational training, retraining, raising the level of employee’s skills. Unfortunately, in spite of the fact that this way of solving a given problem reduces a portion of unemployed, it isn’t efficient enough. For instance, in the 4th quarter of 2013 2055 jobless were directed to vocational training, 1926 jobless starting the training. Only 1807 of them finished their studies. As a result the training didn’t help 288 people or 15,9 percent of the total number of jobless who stopped vocational training [3].

How can one decrease imbalance between demand for and supply of labour? There are many ways, but in my opinion, the essential ones are as follows:

Improvement of the system of demand’s prediction for manpower training in the view of professional and qualification aspects for short-term and long-term prospects taking into account such factors as the strategy of socioeconomic development, demographic processes, needs of employers);

Regular survey of employers for making up forecasts of the demand for labour by regional economy;