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In inflammation of the lymphatic vessels called lymphangitis, red streaks can be seen extending along an extremity. Septicemia or blood poisoning may occur because of streptococci.

Elephantiasis is a great enlargement of the lower extremities resulting from blockage of lymphatic vessels with tiny parasities earned by insects (flies or mosoquitos). The disease is common in Asia and in some of the Pacific islands. No cure is known.

Lymphadenitis is the inflammation of the lymph nodes, they become larger and tender. This condition reflects the body's attempt to combat an infection.

Cervical lymphadenitis is a symptom of measles, searlet fever, septic sore throat, diphtheria.

Lymphadenopathy is the disease of lymph nodes. Splenomegaly is enlargement of the spleen, accompanies acute infections, such as scarlet fever, typhoid fever, syphilis.

Hodgkin's disease is the malignant disease with enlargement of lymph nodes, commonly occurs in young men. The nodes in the neck, armpit, thorax and groin enlarge. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy have been used with good results.

Any tumor benign or malignant occuring in the lymphoid tissue is called a lymphoma. Lymphosarcoma is a malignant tumor. It is a very rare disease. Early surgery is the only possible cure.

Exercise 3. Write out sentences with participles from the text. Name their forms and functions.

Exercise 4. Translate into English.

1. Вона бачила через вікно, що йшов сильний дощ. 2. Він хотів, щоб пацієнт одужав швидше. 3. Ти вже маєш переписаний текст? 4. Медсестра вже зробила перев'язку.




Body Defenses



Subjective Participle Construction (§104)


Independent Work


I. Speaking: Body Defenses

After careful study of this unit you should be able to:

  • explain the terms "immunity", "serum", "vaccine";

  • list several types of inborn immunity;

  • differentiate between natural and artificial acquired immunity;

  • differentiate between active and passive immunity;

  • define antigen and antibody;

  • list several disorders of the immune system.

Exercise 1. Learn the following words by heart.

allergy ['агізсізі] алергія

antibody [.aenti'bDdi] антитіло

antigen ['gentidpn] антиген

antiserum [,centi'sierom] антисироватка

acquired [sk'waisd] набутий

artificial [,a:ti'fiji3l] штучний

autoimmunity [,D:trji'mju:niti] автоімунітет

gamma globulin [,gaem3'giDbjolin] гамаглобулін

irritate ['iriteit] подразнювати

immunity [i'mju:niti] імунітет

immunization [i,mju:nai'zeijh] імунізація

inflammation [jnfb'meijh] запалення

inborn finbo:n] вроджений

lymphocyte - лімфоцит

macrophage [,т£екгоТеіе1з] макрофаг

toxin ['roksin] отрута, токсин

toxoid ['tnksoid] токсоїд, анатоксин

vaccine ['vaskskn] вакцина

pus [p.\s] гній

to get rid of - позбутися

harmful agent ['haimful'eidpnt] шкідлива речовина Exercise 2, Read the text, translate it, make a plan of it.

Body Defenses Against Disease

In our environment there is a great number of organisms harmful to the human being. The job of protecting us from these harmful agents belongs in part to certain blood cells and the lymphatic system, which together make up our immune system.

The human body has the ability to produce toxins, which damage the body. Inflammation is the body's effort to get rid of anything that irritates it.

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