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III. Independent Work: Lungs

Exercise 1. Read the text, translate it, make a plan of it.


The lungs are the main organs of the respiratory system. There are two lungs in the human body located in the lateral cavities of the chest. The lungs are separated from each other by the mediastinum. The lungs are covered with the pleura. They are conical in shape. Each lung has the base, apex, two borders and three surfaces.

The lung has the apex extending upward 3^1 centimeters (cm) above the level of the first


The base of the lung is located in the convex (випуклий) surface of the diaphragm.

The posterior borders of the lungs are on each side of the spinal column. The anterior border is thin and overlaps (перекривати) the pericardium.

The weight of the lungs varies according to many conditions. In the adult male the weight of the lungs is about 1,350 gr. The right lung is about 15 % heavier than the left one. The vital capacity of the lungs is 3.5-4 liters in the male and it is 3-3.5 liters in the female.

The right lung consisting of three lobes is heavier than the left one because the latter consists only of two lobes. The lower lobe of the left lung is larger than the upper one.

In infants the lungs are of a pale rosy color, but later they become darker.

The structure of the lung consists of an external serous coat, the visceral layer of the pleura, a subserous elastic tissue and the parenchyma or proper substance of the lungs.

Exercise 2. Name the parts of speech of the following words, translate them.

Thoracic, costal, fibrous, pulmonary, widely, pelvis, sacral, construction, facial, daily, dilatation, artificial, connective, respiratory.

Exercise 3. a) Read the doctor's indications to his patient, translate them.

1. Make your analyses of blood and urine. 2. Take an electrocardiogram. 3. Your lungs should be X-rayed. 4. Go to your doctor and check your bp. 5. You need treatment. 6. You will be treated.

b) Translate the following sentences.

1. Ваше серце і легені потрібно перевірити. 2. Зробіть електрокардіограму. 3. Зробіть аналізи крові та сечі. 4. Підійдіть до терапевта і перевірте серце і легені. 5. Вашому другу потрібне лікування. 6. Вас будуть лікувати у пульмонологічному відділенні.

Exercise 4. Read the dialog.

Doctor: I suppose you have pneumonia. I'll put you on a sick leave and prescribe you some treatment.

Patient: What must I do?

Doctor: Listen to me attentively. Take these drugs. This mixture is for your cough. These tablets are for your headache. These drops are for the heart trouble. Take these drugs three times a day.

Patient: Must I stay in bed?

Doctor: Yes, you must. Apply cups and mustard plasters every other day before going to bed. Drink hot tea with raspberry jam. Gargle you throat several times a day. You must make analyses of blood and urine. Your lungs should be X-rayed. Besides it's necessary to take an electrocardiogram.

Patient: Well, doctor. I'll fulfill all your prescriptions.




Respiratory System Disorders



Participial Constructions (Revision) (§§103-105)


Independent Work


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