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In a Hospital

Let me introduce my friend Nina. She is already a nurse at a hospital. She works at the therapeutic department. Nina is one of the best ward nurses. Everything she does in the ward she does quickly and quietly.

Work at the hospital begins early in the morning. At 6 o'clock the nurses begin to take the patients' temperature. They write it down in temperature charts. Then the nurses give the patients medicines and carry out other prescriptions of the doctors.

Besides they open the windows and air their wards. If there is a bed patient in the ward, the nurse takes special care of him. She brings a basin and washes the patient's face and hands, brushes his sheets or changes them. Then the nurses give injections to the patients.

When doctors come and begin to examine their patients, every ward nurse tells the doctor about the condition of her patients. Nina is very attentive. She tries to observe any changes in the patient's condition. Nina is especially patient with old people. She never hurts (ображати) her patients with rude (грубий) words.

I want to be like Nina. I like my future profession and I know that much of the nurse's work can be learnt by practice. That's why I often help Nina at the hospital.

Exercise 9. Розмовні ситуації.

  1. Опишіть роботу медсестри вранці.

  2. Розкажіть, якими якостями повинна володіти медсестра.

  3. Переконайте товариша, що ваша майбутня професія найнеобхідніша сьогодні.

III. Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1. Замініть виділені слова займенниками.

  1. We carry out experiments in laboratories.

  2. We shall study anatomy.

  3. Some of my fellow students are busy with research work.

  4. There are 25 students in my group.

  5. My sister wants to be a doctor.

  6. I don't see my sister often.

Exercise 2. Дайте відповіді на альтернативні питання.

  1. Are you a student of the nursing or medical assistant departament?

  2. Is your friend a first-year or second-year student?

  3. Is your brother a doctor or a teacher?

  4. Are you sixteen or seventeen years old?

Exercise 3. Виберіть правильну форму особового займенника.

  1. She often sees (he, him) in the hospital.

  2. He teaches (we, us) English at school.

  3. He explains the rules to (I, me) very often.

  4. I always help (they, them) with translations.

  5. My mother wants to talk to (he, him).

IV. Independent Work: Florence Nightingale

Exercise 1. Ознайомтесь із життям та діяльністю Флоренс Найтінгейл, прочитавши текст. Поставте 10 питань до тексту.

Florence Nightingale was one of the greatest women in the history of England. She was born on May 12, 1820, in the Italian city of Florence after which she was named. Florence was a highly educated woman. She spoke Italian, French and German with ease.

During her childhood and youth she was chiefly interested in taking care of poor people in hospitals; her dream was to become a nurse. In her days, nursing was done only by women of the lowest moral class. In fact, when women were charged in the police courts they were often given the choice of going to prison or to hospital service.

Her parents were horrified and did all they could to prevent it, but Florence was not to be turned aside. Whenever she was abroad she visited hospitals, read books on nursing, reports of medical societies, histories of hospitals. She spent some weeks as a sister in a hospital in Paris and three months in a nursing school in Germany. When Florence was 34, she became superintendent of an "Establishment for Gentlewomen during Illness". She had been there a year when the Crimean War broke out. One of the hospitals where injured soldiers received treatment during the war was in a place called Scutari. That's where 39 British nurses led by Florence Nightingale arrived from London in 1854.

In less than twelve months, Florence Nightingale and her 38 nurses turned Scutari into a clean, well-organised hospital.

Florence Nightingale often worked for twenty-four hours on end dressing wounds, helping surgeons in their operations, easing the pain of the sick, comforting the dying. Every night, carrying a little oil lamp to light her way, she walked by the beds, four miles of them. To the soldiers she was "The Lady with the Lamp", and they worshipped her.

Florence Nightingale changed the whole system of the hospital organization of the army. She wrote books on nursing. She started the Nightingale Training School for nurses at St. Thomas's Hospital. She changed the whole idea of hospital planning and is the founder of modem nursing.

In 1907 she was given the Order of Merit, the highest civil honor the Government can give and the first ever given to a woman. Three years later Florence Nightingale died.


Florence ['flnrsns] Флоренс prevent [pri'vent] запобігати, перешкоджати

Nightingale ['naitingcil] Найтінгейл turn aside -усувати(ся)

Scutari [sko'tari] Скутарі injured ['incrjod] поранений

Order of Merit ['n:der3v'merit] орден treatment f'tri:tmont] лікування

"За заслуги" on end - підряд, без перерви

chiefly ['tfkfh] головним чином dressing wounds ['wu:ndz] перев'язуючи рани

taking care of - доглядаючи surgeon ['ssictpn] хірург; військовий лікар

charge [tfaicrj] звинувачувати worship ['w3:/ip] боготворити

horrify ['hnrifai] викликати жах, лякати

Exercise 2. Назвіть видатних жінок нашої країни, країн світу. Чим вони про­славились?

Exercise 3. Дайте відповіді на запитання.

  1. Why did Nightingales name their daughter Florence?

  2. Was Florence Nightingale a highly educated woman?

  3. What was Florence's dream?

  4. Why were her parents horrified by her dream?

  5. In what ways had she prepared herself for nursing?

  6. What did Florence and her nurses do at the hospital in Scutari?

  7. Why was Florence called "The Lady with the Lamp"?

  8. What kind of woman was Florence Nightingale?

Exercise 4. Доповніть речення.

  1. Florence Nightingale was ...

  2. She was born ...

  3. Her dream was ...

  4. Florence was not ...

  5. During the Crimean War ...

  6. To the soldiers she was ...

  7. She wrote ...

  8. Florence Nightingale is ...

  1. she worked at the hospital in Scutari.

  2. one of the greatest women.

  3. the founder of modern of nursing.

  4. "The Lady with the Lamp".

  5. on May 12, 1820.

  6. to be turned aside.

  7. books on nursing.

h) to become a nurse.




- голосних у четвертому типі складу;

- буквосполучень air, eir, ear, eer;

- букви w у буквосполученнях wa, war, wor, aw,

- буквосполучень kn, ph;

- голосних буквосполучень ey, аи, ou, our



English for Modern Medical Specialists



1. Спеціальні питання (§16).

2. Питальні слова (§17).

3. Присвійні займенники (§18).

4. Прийменниковий додаток (§19).

5. Родовий відмінок іменника (§20)


Самостійна робота

Англійська мова як засіб міжнародного спілкування

І. Читання

1. а + ге = [єз]: care, fare, spare;

е + re = [іо]: here, severe, mere;

\ + ГЄ \ [аіз]: tyre, fire, entire; 1 + re

u + re = [)u:a]: cure, pure, secure.

  1. air, eir = [єз]: chair, their, fair; eer, ear = [із]: near, beer, ear.

  2. Читання w у буквосполученнях: w + a = [wt>]: wash, water, wad; w + ar = [wo:] war, warble, ward; w + or = [w3:]: word, work, worse;

wr на початку слова = [r]: write, wrong, wrist.

  1. kn на початку слова = [n]: knife, know, knew; ph на початку слова = [f]: photo, phone, phrase.

  2. ey в кінці слова = [і]: money, valley, honey; aw = [o:]: draw, saw, raw;

au = [о:] (у словах латинського і французького походження):

fault, autumn, applaud; ou — [л] (у словах французького походження): touch, double, country; ou + r = [о:] your, four, course.

Exercise 1. Прочитайте слова з буквою а в різних буквосполученнях, пам'ятайте правила читання:

are [ез] care - турбота rare - нечастий share - частина, частка dare - відважитись prepare - готувати compare - порівнювати declare - заявити dispare - відчай

air [ез]

air - повітря chair - стілець stair - сходинка hair-волосся

fair - світлий, справедливий But!

there - там where - де, куди

Exercise 2. Прочитайте слова з буквою е у різних буквосполученнях, пам'ятайте правила читання:

here - тут mere - простий sphere - сфера, куля severe - суворий, сильний interfere - заважати period ['pisrisd] - період cheer - вітати beer - пиво

dear - дорогий bear - носити hear - слухати, чути clear - ясний tear - сльоза near - близький ear - вухо fear - страх

Exercise 3. Прочитайте слова з буквою и у різних буквосполученнях:

pure - чистий secure - забезпечувати

cure - вилікувати endure - терпіти, зносити

during ['djuisrirj] - під час procure - забезпечувати

January ['cfcaenjuisri] - січень

Exercise 4. Прочитайте слова з буквами і, у. Порівняйте звучання у різних типах складів:

ire, уге [аіз] і, у [аі] (відкритий склад)

fire - вогонь die - помирати

quiet - тихий, спокійний lie - лежати

tire - стомлюватися wire - дріт entire - весь, повний tyre - шина, покришка inspire - надихати retire - іти у відставку desire - бажання dire - страшний mire - трясовина

Exercise 5. Прочитайте слова, правопис:

a) [ж]

ash - попіл ant - мурашка have - мати match - сірник gas - газ tag - ярлик

b) [а:]

arm - рука hard - важкий army - армія mark - оцінка

c) [з:]fork - виделкаstorm - шторм, грозаhorse - кінь

stork - лелека sore - хворий torn - розірваний scorn - зневага

tie - краватка; зв'язувати

fine - гарний

quite - досить

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