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III. Independent Work: Indoor Activities or Home Interests

Exersice 1. Read the word combinations and translate them.

Doing things: reading; listening to records, tapes or to the radio; watching television; entertaining friends; playing games (e.g. chess or cards); painting; mending things.

Making things: models, needlework (e.g. sewing), knitting, crocheting, weaving, making carpets, making lace), singing or playing musical instruments (e.g. piano, guitar, violin), cooking and baking, home decorating and repairing.

Collecting things: stamps, postcards, maps, coins, beermats, bottles, tins, old china, autographs, books, butterflies, shells, crystals and other things.

Learning things: learning foreign languages, learning to play a musical instrument, studying music, art, literature or other subjects.

Exercise 2. Name the activities which we can do with our eyes, ears, brain, hands,





Internal Organs



1. Правило ряду (ланцюг іменників) (§28).

2. Зворот there is/are (§29).

3. Місце прислівників способу дії і ступеня в реченні (§30).3. Єднальні сполучники (§31)


(n.) -ment, -апсе, -епсе (adj.) -ive, -ous (v.) -fyv'-ify, -ate


Independent Work

Body Systems

I. Speaking: Internal Organs

Exercise 1. Read the following words.

Human body, trunk, limb, extremity, upper, lower, to consist of, to contain the brain, skull, forehead, mouth, lip, cheek, chin, external, internal, gum, tooth (teeth), tongue, palate, to connect, neck, chest, abdomen, lung, heart, gullet, to breathe, beat, abdominal, cavity, stomach, liver, spleen, intestine, kidney, gallbladder, bladder, bone, skeleton, to support, soft, to protect, injury, muscle, shoulder, forearm, elbow, wrist, thumb, hip, thigh, knee, calf, ankle, skin.

Exercise 2. Read the words and remember them.

pharynx ['faerinks] глотка

sternum - грудина

blood [bl\d] кров

esophagus - стравохід

lung [Ілп] легеня

heart [ha:t] серце

diaphragm fdaiafraem], midriff - діафрагма stomach ['sUmak] шлунок liver ['livs] печінка

gall bladder ['go:l,blaedo] жовчний міхур

poison [poiznj отрута

bacterium [bsek'tisriam] мікроб, бактерія

digestion [di'd3estf9n] травлення

pancreas [peenkrias] підшлункова залоза

spleen [splkn] селезінка

kidney ['kidni] нирка

intestine [in'testin] кишка, кишечник

bladder ['blaeds] (сечовий) міхур

to differ [difa] відрізнятись

to destroy [dis'troi] руйнувати

to occupy ['nkjopai] займати; розташовуватись

to pump [рлтр] качати; викачувати

Exercise 3. Learn the following word combinations.

abdominal cavity - черевна порожнина

internal organ - внутрішній орган

large intestine - товста кишка

small intestine тонка кишка

principal organ - основний орган

sex gland - статева залоза

specific role - особлива роль

whole body - все тіло (організм)

to work over - переробляти

internal medicine - лікування внутрішніх хвороб

Exercise 4. Name the internal organs.

Exercise 5. Read the text and retell it.

Соседние файлы в предмете Английский язык