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I. Control Test

Variant 1

1. What topic unites the following words together? (Translate them.)

Scarlet fever, mumps, measles, influence, contagious, spread of infection, cough, treatment, care and nursing.

2. Match equivalents, name the topic.





















3. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words given in brackets.

1. You must take two ... before each meal, (tablets, cough mixture, gargle) 2. If you follow my ... , you will feel better tomorrow, (physician, disease, instructions) 3. When you have a toothache, you must consult ... . (a nurse, a dentist, an oculist) 4. ... operates on people. 'Therapeutist, Psychiatrist, Surgeon) 5. The doctor put down everything she found into my mother's ... . (note, patient's file, prescription)

4. Use the Present, Past or Future Perfect Active Tenses in the following sentences.Translate them.

1. We often (to use) alcohol diluted with water as a solvent. 2. After French, Swedish and German chemists (discover) gallium, scandium and germanium, Mendeleev was recognized the author of the Periodic Law. 3. It is clear that the chemical reaction (to change) the composition .:nd specific properties of this substance.

5. You've heard the following telephone conversation. Guess answers of the otherspeaker.

- Hello. This is Serge speaking. Can I speak to Nina?

- Why! What's the matter with her?

  • What is her temperature?

  • Have you called in a doctor?

  • What did the doctor say?

  • What a pity! Give her my best wishes, please.

  • I shall call on you the day after tomorrow. Good-bye!

Variant 2

1. What topic unites the following words together? (Translate the words.)

Substance, remedy, medicine, drugs, powder, tablet, tincture, solution, ointment, prescriptions and instructions, overdosage, plants.

2. Match equivalents, name the topic.





to hurt



to have a tooth out


to feel better поліклініка видалити зуб почуватись краще біль

зубний біль


зубний лікар




3. Fill in the blanks with the words formed, drugs, number, branch, knowledge.

1. Each period contributed to the store of... .2. Chemist's shops increase in ... from year to year. 3. The Pharmaceutical Society in Great Britain was newly ... in 1841. 4. Pharmacy is defined as the science of... . 5. In Ukraine pharmacy as a ... of science started its development in the eighteenth century.

4. Translate the following sentences. Name the form of the verb (its tense and voice).

1. The positive effect was associated with the low temperature. 2. Medicinal herbs were collected during our practice at botanical stations. 3. Drug effects will be described after a number of experiments.

5. Make up a story using the words: to cough, illness, temperature, home visiting service, examination, to feel, prescription, medicine, to treat, certificate.

Variant З

1. What topic unites the following words together? (Translate the words.)

Passport data, pulse, blood pressure, temperature, breathing, strip to the waist, listen to the heart and lungs, catch a cold, running nose.

2. Match equivalents, name the topic.

wheelchair підкладне судно

air ring напувальник

syringe ножиці

scissors грілка

dropping bottle крісло-каталка

hot water bottle міхур для льоду

bedpan шприц

bandage банки

cups пляшечка з дозатором

feeding cup бинт

3. Fill in the blanks with prepositions where required.

... Tuesday we had our practical studies ... surgery ... the surgical department ... the regional hospital. Patients are admitted ... this hospital ... different parts ... the region. Just... our practical studies the helicopter landed ... the hospital yard. It turned ... to be an urgent case ... perforated ulcer ... the stomach. The patient was operated ... immediately.

4. Translate the sentences. Name the forms of the verbs (tense and voice).

1. The work at the hospital helps students acquire deep knowledge of nursing. 2. Thousands of future specialists are trained at higher educational establishments. 3. Chemical and physical properties of inorganic substances were thoroughly studied during practical chemistry classes. 4. The industrial revolution of the last century gave birth to new treatment of this disease.

5. Answer the questions:

  1. What medical professions do you know?

  2. What do these specialists do?

  3. What doctor treats you when you are ill?

  4. Do you know people who work in medicine? Who are they? What are they?

  5. Did you play "a hospital" when you were a child?

  6. Do you know pupils who are going to work in medicine? Who are they?

  7. Why are medical professions often called the most humanistic?

II. Speaking: Medicinal Plants

Exercise 1. Read the words of Greek and Latin origin. Pay attention to the Denunciation.

Capsule [-kaepsju:l], codeine ['kaudim], papaverine [p3'peiv9,ri:n], active f'aektiv], --yohological [saika'rochjiksl], alkaloid ['a2lk(3)taid], practical ['prasktiksl], natural [ nastfrel], detective [di'tektiv], continent ['ktmtinsnt], fmit [fru:t], microbe ['maikrsub], collect [ka'lekf factor ['faekta], collection [ks'lekfh], vegetative ['vedgitstiv], process ['prsuses], photosynthes:* [ fsutsu'sinBisis], period ['piariad], constituent [kan'stitjoant], produce [pra'dju-.s], oxydatio:: [.uksi'deifn], activity [ak'tiviti]. pharmacological [.faimaka'hxhjikal], opium ['aupjam". globular ['glnbjula], elliptical [i'liptikal], conical ['knnikal]. aromatic [,ад'зо'таггік], balsamic [bo:l'sasmik], camphorous ['keemfaras], sensation [sen'seijn], official [з'пГзІ], standarc ['stsendad], reserpine ['resapin], valerian [уз'Нагіап], chromatographic [.kraumata'grasfikj. separate ['separeit], inert [і'пз:і], herb [пз:Ь], herbal ['1із:Ьз1], strychnine f'striknim], caffeine ['казгі:п], crystalline ['kristalain].

Exercise 2. Read and translate the following words and word combinations.

Herbs and plants, to collect in autumn, five continents and seas, detectives of plants, a plant detective, the time of collecting plants, active constituents, the time of flowering, the weight of the drug, taste, color and odor of plants, to depend upon the amount of volatile constituents, to describe plants, to possess no taste, to possess a characteristic odor, to give name to something, to use different tests and methods, the determination of presence of inorganic elements, a chemical analysis for the determination of activity, chromatographic study, inert materials, herb books, to make the acquaintance of many herbalists, published materials, the development of science.

Exercise 3. Group these common root words, name the parts of speech.

Increase, detective, medicine, herbal, constitute, differ, taste, oily, lightness, oil, decrease, herbalist, constituent, different, light, herb, detect, tasteless, official, determine, chromatography, development, mix, weight, officially, chromatographic, weigh, medicinal, science, determination, develop, use, scientific, alkaloidal, treatment, treat, useful, scientist, useless, alkaloid, mixture.

Exercise 4. Learn active words.

a) Parts of a plant:root [ru:t] корінь

rhizome ['raizaum] кореневище stem [stem] стебло; стовбур seed [si:d] насіння

b) Taste and odor (смак і запах):distinct [dis'tirjkfj особливий; виразний,


spicy ['spaisi] пряний; гострий bitter ['bits] гіркий agreeable [s'grisbl] приємний

inflorescence [,inflr)'res3ns] суцвіття bark [ba:k] кора fruit [fnr.t] плід top [top] верхівка

mucilaginous [.mju.'si'laxfynas] слизистий,

клейкий astringent [a'strirjcfjant] в'яжучий pungent ['pAnchjsnt] гострий, пікантний

c) Form and color (форма й колір):

shape [feip] форма elliptic(al) [і'іірпк(зі)] еліптичний

round ['raund] круглий broad [bro:d] широкий

oblong ['obrorj] продовгуватий, видовжений pale [peil] блідий

d) Growth and gathering (ріст і збір):pollination [,pr>li neijn] запилення harvest ['ha:vist] жнива; збирання врожаю

ripen ['гаір(з)п] дозрівати, достигати mature [ma'tjua] зрілий; стиглий moisture ['moistfa] волога; вологість

Exercise 5. Answer the questions using new words.

1. What parts of a plant may have odor? 2. What color is the bark? 3. Do all plants have roots and rhizomes? 4. Does every plant produce seeds? 6. Where are flowers usually situated? ". What taste of fruit do you like more?

Exercise 6. Complete the sentences.

1. The season when fruits or vegetables are gathered is called ... . 2. A full-grown plant :s called ... 3. The part of a plant which grows under the surface of the earth is called .... -. A great number of small flowers which grow together is called ... 6. To separate things of one class from things of another class means ... . 7. A small objet produced by a flowering plant from which another plant may grow is called... .

Exercise 7. Answer the alternative questions.

1. Do you like your food to be very or slightly salty? 2. Do you like bitter apples or sweet ones? 3. Is it possible or not to determine a pungent taste? 4. What season do you like more -iummn when fruits ripen or spring when first flowers appear? 5. Do botanists collect fully matured seeds or unripe ones? 6. Are you acquainted with the technique of gathering herbs :r their cultivation? 7. Did you gather plants with roots and rhizomes or the overground part ?f them? 8. What is more difficult: to maintain a high temperature or a low one during the experiment?

Exercise 8. Read the text, make up a plan to it.

Соседние файлы в предмете Английский язык