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III. Independent Work: Surgery

Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.


Treatment of injuries or diseases by operative techniques is the subject of surgery.

The surgeon has always been an integral part of medical science. Early medical texts are chiefly devoted to records of surgical cases. Strangely, however, great advances in surgery have been dependent on medical discoveries in other fields. These advances include the discovery of ether anesthesia by Morton and Long in 1847; the discovery of the principle of antisepsis by Joseph Listen in 1865-87; and application of rubber gloves introduced by Halstead. The use of blood transfusion, control of fluid in the body and use of drugs for various symptoms have also aided success in surgery.

Not many years have passed since the time when few surgeons dared to invade the interior of the abdomen.

Today every portion of the human body has been invaded successfully. The surgery of today is called physiological surgery and is aimed at restoring (відновлення) normal function of various organs and tissues when these functions have failed.

Exercise 2. Make up 6 questions based on the text.

Exercise 3. Make up a dialog.

You are a surgeon. You go on your morning round. Speak with the bed patient. Use the following instruction.


  1. Good morning (afternoon, evening)! (How are you today? How are your spirits?)

  2. Would you like a private room or a general ward? (on admission) Complaints

  1. How are you feeling today? (How do you feel at present? Oh, I see you are better today. What are your complaints?)

  2. Do you have any feeling of nausea (vomiting, etc.) this morning? (this afternoon, this evening) (Do you feel sick (vomiting, etc.) Nausea (vomiting, headache, pains in the heart, etc.)?)

  3. How did you sleep? (Did you sleep all night? Did you wake up with pain? Were there any nightmares (any bad dreams)?)

  1. Do you have a good (bad) appetite now? (Flow do you eat? Do you eat with pleasure?)

  2. What stool (discharge) do you have? (Do you have a regular stool?)

  1. Did you experience any pain while moving your bowels (passing water)? Did you feel any pain in the lavatory? Did you have pain in moving bowels (passing water)?)

  2. Your heart (stomach, liver, etc.) still troubles you, doesn't it? (What about your heart (stomach, etc.)? Does your heart (stomach, etc.) trouble you now?)

  3. Are there any other complaints or not? (Do you have any other complaints? Other complaints?)

9. Let me look at the temperature chart. (What temperature do you have today?)

Physical Examinations

  1. Will you lie still (sit up), please? (Sit quietly, please.)

  2. Let me feel your pulse.

  3. Just remove your undershirt, will you? (Take off your undershirt, please.)

  4. Try to breathe deeper, please. (Breathe deeply, please. Breathe, please.)

  5. Lie face down (on your side), will you?

  6. Hold your breath, will you? (Don't breathe, please.)

  7. Breathe in (out), please. (Take a deep breath!)

  8. I'm going to palpate you. (Let me palpate you. I'll check your liver.)

  9. Would you mind relaxing your abdomen? More, please. (Relax your belly, please).

  1. Would you try to stretch your hand (leg)? (Stretch your hand (leg) like I do it).

  2. Look up (down), will you? (Look up (down), please. Look up (down).).

  3. It hurts you, doesn't it? (Is this painful?)

  4. The pain radiates over the (entire) left arm (leg), doesn't it?

  5. Can you feel (taste, smell, hear, see, etc.) that?

  6. I'd like to measure your blood pressure. (Let me measure your blood pressure).

  7. Your blood pressure (skin, head, heart, etc.) is much better today.

  8. You follow all my instructions, don't you? (Do you follow all my instructions? Do you do as I ordered?)

Prescriptions and Instructions

  1. Go on taking the same drugs. Take the drugs regularly. Have the pills (tablets, etc.).

  2. Try to sleep more, will you? (Sleep more! Don't walk much! Stay in bed most of the time.)

  3. You will have to collect your urine (stool, etc.). You must collect your urine (sputum, etc.).

  4. I'll prescribe some medicine for your headache (heart, etc.). (I'll prescribe some tablets (pills, etc.) for you. The nurse will give you an injection to relieve the pain.)

5. We must perform some major (minor) operation. (You should undergo someoperation.)

  1. Will you sign this consent for the operation, please? (Sign this consent for the operation, please.)

  2. If you refuse to let us operate (treat you), you must sign this statement. (If you are against our advice, sign, please.)

  3. I recommend you to abstain from smoking. (I advise you to give up smoking. No smoking now.)

  4. Try not to have heavy food. (Light food is advisable for you. No fatty food.)

10. Be quiet. Don't worry. If you follow all my instructions, you'll recover soon (fee!better, be well.)




Work of a Laboratory Assistant



Suffixes Prefixes

Неозначені займенники і прислівники, похідні від some, any, по, every (§83) (n.) -dom, -hood dis-, re-, mis-


Independent Work

Red Cross

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