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I. Speaking: Diseases. Symptoms

Exercise 1. Phonetic reading. Read the following words and word combinations, translate them.

Blood - to make one's blood tests, to take blood from a finger, to take BP, his BP is normal, his BP is abnormal.

X-ray - to be X-rayed, to X-ray, an X-ray examination, an X-ray room, to X-ray the patient's stomach, his lungs were X-rayed.

Nurse - nurses, a nurse on duty, a ward nurse, to work as a nurse.

Obstetrician - obstetricians, an obstetrician on duty, to work as an obstetrician.

Diagnosis [,daiag naosis] - diagnoses, to make a diagnosis, a correct diagnosis, he made a diagnosis of influenza.

To prescribe - to prescribe treatment, to prescribe some medicines, to give a prescrip­tion.

Trouble - a serious trouble, to trouble, to complain of some troubles, a heart trouble, a lung trouble, a stomach trouble, don't trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.

Exercise 2. Read and learn the following headache ['hedeik] головний біль

e.g. 1 have a bad headache, toothache [tu:0eik] зубний біль

e.g. His toothache was so bad. stomachache ['sumskeik] біль у животі

e.g. He is suffering from a stomachache, earache ['ізгеік] біль у вусі

e.g. The child cries because of his earache, heartachef hu:teik] біль у серці

e.g. He has a heartache, sore throat [soi'Orsot] біль у горлі

e.g. The baby has a sore throat and a high

temperature, bleeding ['bli:dirj] кровотеча

e.g. You must stop bleeding as soon

as possible.

words, cough [krjfj кашляти; кашель

e.g. He asked me to cough, cold in the head - нежить

e.g. Influenza is not a cold in the head, fracture [Traektjb] перелом

e.g. There are open and closed fractures, sunstroke [sAnstrsok] сонячний удар

e.g. He can get a sunstroke. It's very

hot today.

fever ['fhva] лихоманка; висока температура

e.g. She had a bad fever, temperature [tempritfs] температура

e.g. Her son had a high temperature

in the evening.

Exercise 3. Learn the following word combinations.

a bad headache (heartache, earache, stomachache, toothache) сильний головний біль (біль у серці, у вусі, у животі, зубний)

to take a tablet for ... - прийняти таблетку від ... to rinse the mouth полоскати рот to keep to a diet - дотримуватись дієти

to apply a hot compress on ... покласти теплий компрес на ...

to listen to heart sounds - прослухати серце

a bad (weak) heart слабке серце

to gargle the throat - полоскати горло

a dry (bad) cough - сухий (сильний) кашель

a bad cold in the head сильний нежить

a running nose - нежить

to apply splints - накладати шини

to apply plaster cast накласти гіпс

to cool the body - охолодити тіло

to keep (stay) in bed - залишатися в ліжку

to catch a cold застудитися

Exercise 4. Make up sentences.



a headache.



a bad cough.



a weak heart.



a running nose.


a high temperature.

a sore throat.

a severe pain in the leg.

a cold in the head.

Do you


to the heart and lungs?


splints or plaster cast?


a diet?


in bed?


a bad cough?


a bad cold?


a tablet for a headache?

Exercise 5. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words.

  1. This patient has a weak .... (throat, cough, heart)

  2. If you have a toothache, ... your mouth every hour, (gargle, rinse)

  3. You must ... the bleeding quickly, (stop, finish, end)

  4. Take a ... for a headache, (compress, splints, tablet)

  5. If you often have a stomachache, you must ... to a diet, (hold, carry, keep)

Exercise 6. Translate into English.

  1. У хлопчика відкритий перелом ноги, накладіть йому шину.

  2. Я прийняла таблетку від головного болю дві години тому.

  3. Він застудився і тепер кашляє, чхає і в нього сильно болить горло.

  4. У дитини боліло вухо, і мама поставила на нього теплий компрес.

  5. Лікар прослухав його серце і легені.

Exercise 7. Read and act out the dialogs.


A: Good morning.

B: Good morning. What is your name?

A: My name is ... .

B: What is the matter with you?

A: I have had a stomachache for a week.

B: Show me with your finger the place where it hurts (болить) you. A: Here, doctor.

B: We must take an X-ray picture of your stomach and test the blood and urine ['juarim] (сеча).


P: Oh doctor, 1 have pain in my back. D: Do you feel the pain all the time? P: No, I don't. Only sometimes.

D: Here are tablets. Take one tablet five minutes before the pain begins.


D: Tell me your trouble, young man.

P: Well, I have caught a cold. I have a running nose, a bad cough and it's hard for me to swallow (ковтати).

D: Open your mouth and say "Ah". Now, 1 am going to listen to your lungs. Got a temperature?

P: Yes, but not very high - 37.5"C.

D:There is nothing serious. Keep in bed for a few days and take these medicines.

Exercise 8. Read, translate the text and be ready to answer questions.

Соседние файлы в предмете Английский язык