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1. Some glands practically limit their activity to this.

2. The activity of a gland is normally accompanied by a great dilation of its bloodvessels.

  1. A gland ... may be looked upon as a tube ...

  2. Secretion by the digestive glands is to be regarded as an active phenomenon ...

  3. ... the gland cell serves merely as a transfer agency ...




Urinary System



Subjunctive Mood (§112)


Independent Work

Organism as a Whole

I. Speaking: Urinary System

After careful study of this unit you should be able to:

  • list the systems that eliminate waste products and substances eliminated by them;

  • name parts of the urinary system and their functions;

  • describe a nephron;

  • name the normal and abnormal constituents of the urine;

  • list disorders of the urinary system.

Exercise 1. Read and learn the following words and their equivalents.




urinary ['jusrinari]



urine [ juarin]






urinary bladder

vesica urinaria/cyst-

сечовий міхур

renal pelvis

pelvis renalis/pyelo-

ниркова миска

margin ['margin]



fatty capsule ['kaepsju:l]

capsula adiposa

жирова капсула

segments ['segmsnts]



tubules ['tju:bju:ls]



renal cortex

cortex renalis

ниркова кора

medulla of kidneys

medulla renalis

нирковий мозок

glomerular [,gtau'merulo]



glomeruli [,gbo'merulai]


гломерули (клубочки)

renal arteries

arteriae renalis

артерії нирки

veins of kidneys

venae renalis

вени нирки

ureter [jo'ri:t3]



urethra []о'ґі:8гз]



female ['fi:meil]






dialysis [dai'celisis]



excretion [iks'krijh]






nephron [ nefrrm]






urea [ jusris]



nitrogen ['naitrec^sn]



ammonia [s'msunjs]



diuresis [,daiju'ri:sis]


діурез (виділення сечі)

micturition [,miktj3'rijh]



ketone bodies


кетонові тільця

Exercise 2. Learn the pronunciation of the following clinical terms.

glomerulonephritis [glo,m3ruhuni'fraitis]

pyelonephritis [,pai3buni'fraitis]

hydronephrosis [.haidrsoni 'freusis]

renal falure ['feiljs]

uremia []и:з'гі:тіз]

polycystic kidney [,pcli'sistik]

calculi ['kaelkju: ,lai], kidney stones

strictures ['striktfsz]

ptosis ['tsosis]

renal colic ['knlik]

cystitis [sis'taitis]

urethritis [ juari'Qraitis]

enuresis [,enjo'ri:sis]

Exercise 3. Read the texts, translate them and retell.

Text A. Urinary System

The urinary system is also called the excretory system, because one of its main functions is to remove waste products from the blood and eliminate them from the body. The other functions are:

  • to regulate the volume of the body fluids;

  • to balance the pH;

  • to balance the electrolyte compositions of the body fluids.

But other systems also eliminate wastes. For example, the digestive system eliminates undigested food, water, salts and bile. The respiratory system eliminates carbon dioxide and water. The skin eliminates water, salts, nitrogen waste.

The urinaiy system includes the kidneys, right and left; two ureters - long tubes, which lead to the lower part of the urinary bladder; the urinary bladder, which is a hollow sac for temporary collection of the urine; and the urethra - the tube, through which the urine is discharged from the bladder and passes out of the body.

Text B. Kidneys

The kidneys are considered to be the main organs of the urinary system. They are two in number, right and left. The kidneys are bean-shaped organs embedded in a cushion of adipose

Fig. 25-1. The urinary system

Fig. 25-2. The kidney

tissue and located behind the abdominal cavity. They consist of outer cortex part, inner medullar part, and pelvis. The kidneys can be compared with filters, as they perform the filtration of waste products from the blood.

These waste products go to the kidney through the renal arteries, rather short and thick vessels.

The location of the urinary organs and their blood supply can be seen in Fig. 25-1.

The kidney is an organ about 10 cm long, 5 cm wide, and 2.5 cm thick. On the inner margin there is the hilus (ворота), at which the renal artery and vein, and the ureter connect with the kidney. The renal cortex covers the kidney. The renal medulla contains the tubules that collect urine. These tubules form pyramids with the tips toward the renal pelvis. The renal pelvis is a funnel-shaped basin that forms the upper part of the ureter. Calyx ['keeliks] is a cuplike extension which surrounds the tip of pyramids and collect urine, which then passes down the ureter and bladder (Fig. 25-2).

Text C. Nephrons

The nephron is the smallest unit of the kidney. It is a tiny coiled tube with a bulb [ЬлІЬ] at one end. This bulb is called Bowman's capsule (капсула Боумена). which surrounds the glomerulus. Each kidney contains about 1 million nephrons. The afferent artetiole supplies the glomerulus with blood; the efferent arteriole carries blood from the glomerulus. (The detailed structure of the nephron can be seen in Fig. 25-3.)

The process of filtration and formation of the urine takes place within the tiny tubules of the kidneys.

Text D. Functions of Kidneys

The kidneys are involved in the following processes:

  1. Excretion of unwanted substances such as waste products from cell metabolism, excess salts, and toxins.

  2. Maintenance of water balance.

  3. Regulation of acid-base balance.

  4. Production of hormones:

- renin ['rr.nin], which is important in the regulation of blood pressure;

-erythropoietin [i,ri9raupoi'i:tin], which stimulates the red bone marrow to produce red blood cells and thus prevents anemia.

Text E. Urine

The urine is a yellowish liquid that is about 95 per cent water and 5 per cent dissolved solids and gases. The amount of these dissolved elements is indicated by specific gravity. The urine has a specific gravity that normally varies from 1002 (very dilute urine) to 1040 (very concentrated urine). The normal substances, found during the test of the urine, are nitrogenous waste products, electrolytes, and yellow pigment.

Urine examination is one of the most important parts of an evaluation of a person's physical state. Here is a list of the most significant abnormal substances found in the urine:

  1. Glucose (an indicator of diabetes mellitus). The presence of glucose in the urine is called glucosuria.

  2. Albumin (indicates a kidney disorder). The presence of albumin in the urine is called albuminuria.

  3. Blood (indicates nephritis or other urinary disorder). The blood in the urine is called hematuria.

  4. Ketones are seen in diabetes mellitus or starvation.

  5. Pus [pAs] (гній), white blood cells, is the evidence of infection. Pus in the urine is called pyuria.

  6. Casts [ka:sts] (циліндри) indicate disease of nephrons.

Exercise 4. Read the meaning of the following clinical terms and answer the question: what is each of the disorders characterized by?

Glomerulonephritis - inflammation of the kidneys, primarily involving the glomerula; this disease causes destruction of the glomerular capillary walls; the complications are renal failure, retention of urea in the bloodstream (uremia).

Hydronephrosis - enlargement and distention (swelling) of the kidney due to block of urine outflow, caused by renal calculi, tumors, hypertrophy of prostate or narrowing (stricture) of the ureters.

Pyelitis - inflammation of a kidney pelvis.

Nephrolithiasis - the formation of renal calculi (stones) in the renal pelvis, which is followed by obstruction of the kidney, ureter, or bladder.

Pyelonephritis - bacterial infection of one or both kidneys usually involving both the pelvis and the functional tissue. Pyuria is found in urinalyses.

Polycystic kidney — the formation of numerous fluid-filled sacs upon and within the kidney.

Gout - a disease resulting from a disturbance of uric acid metabolism, characterized by an excess of uric acid in the blood and deposits of uric acid salts in various tissues, especially in the joints of the feet and hands: it causes swelling and severe pain, notably in the big toes.

Exercise 5. Tell about the body systems that have excretory functions.

Exercise 6. Describe the kidneys using this plan.

  1. Location.

  2. Form.

  3. Structure.

  4. Functions.

Exercise 7. Describe the nephron, use Fig. 25-3.

Exercise 8. Answer the following questions.

  1. What are the functions of the urinary system?

  2. What organs does the urinary system include?

  3. How many parts does the kidney consist of?

  4. What is the difference between the afferent and efferent arterioles?

  5. What are pyramids and calyces in the kidney?

  6. What is the unit of the kidney?

  7. Where does the process of filtration and formation of the urine take place?

  8. What is the characteristic of the urine?

  9. What do we understand under the normal urine? Abnormal urine?

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