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II. Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1. Form Participle II of irregular verbs.

Get, leave, buy, put, eat, see, know, tell, pay, go, stand, lose, make, hear, take, think, give, find, do, speak.

Exercise 2. Form Participle II of the following verbs. Pay attention to the pronun­ciation of -ed.

Work, build, carry out, have, be, use, compound, place, wash, enter, consist, include, keep, see, find, make, do, sound, dispense, gather, mean, decrease, introduce, discover.

Exercise 3. Group the words according to parts of speech. Mind their suffixes.

Medicinal, practical, widely, collected, increased, natural, usually, preservation, harvesting, highly, colored, ripening, elliptical, described, possessing, slightly, pharmacological.

Exercise 4. Translate the phrases into Ukrainian. Memorize the meaning of the adjective suffixes.

Суфікси прикметників: -less вказує на відсутність ознаки: aim (ціль, мета) - aimless (безцільний): help (допомога) - helpless (безпорадний); -able вказує на пасивне значення: to read (читати) - readable (що легко читається); to move (рухатися) - movable (пересувний); -ive вживається у прикметниках, утворених від дієслів: to invent (винаходити) - inventive (винахідливий); to act (діяти) - active (активний).

  1. An endless street; a homeless boy; a waterless zone; a cornerless table; a treeless street; a friendless man; nameless heroes; saltless food; workless people;

  2. eatable food; a readable article; dividable numbers; controllable processes; hearable sounds; an explainable question; movable things; answerable questions.

Exercise 5. Ask your friend questions beginning with Where/What/How. Model: I wash my hair twice a week, (how often/you9)

How often do you wash your hair? 1 live in London, (where) I watch TV every day. (how often) I have lunch at home, (where) 1 get up at 7.30. (what time) I go to the cinema a lot. (how often) 1 go to work by bus. (how)

Exercise 6. Translate the sentences with Participle II.

  1. The text demonstrated in the lab is new.

    Exercise 7. Make up sentences using the table.


    a family.



    a lot of books.



    many children.



    a dictation.

    My sister

    have got

    a lot of work to do.

    His friends

    has got

    a cold.

    hasn't siot

    two dogs.

  2. Each article contains information discussed in the mass media.

  3. The topic presented for studying concerns surgery.

  4. The story begun so sad had a happy end.

  5. The liquid poured into that vessel was the water from our river.

Exercise 8. Translate the sentences into English. Use the pronouns some, any, no.

1. Лікар приділив увагу деяким питанням. 2. Зараз лабораторія має кілька сучасних мікроскопів. 3. Ніхто ще не може вилікувати цю хворобу. 4. Будь-який медпрацівник може зробити цей аналіз. 5. У вас ще є запитання? - Я не маю запитань. 6. Деякі з цих зошитів мої, а решта - мого брата. 7. У мене є деякі з цих записів у записнику. 8. Дехто зі студентів готує завдання у бібліотеці.

Соседние файлы в предмете Английский язык