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I. Speaking: First Medical Aid (Part II)

Exercise 1. Read the texts about various conditions requiring first aid, translate them.

(The lists of unknown words are given after the texts.)

Exercise 2. Ask your fellow student about first aid in different conditions.

Text 1 Bruises

Bruises (contusions) are usually caused by a bump or a fall, which ruptures small blood vessels under the skin. Blood seeps into the surrounding tissues causing the black and blue color of a bruise.

People who take blood thinners (anticoagulants) or aspirin may bruise easily. A braise can also develop after blood is drawn.

A black eye is a type of bruise. Apply home treatment for a bruise and inspect the eye. First Aid

Apply ice or cold packs for 15-minute intervals during the first 48 hours to help vessels constrict and to reduce swelling. The sooner you apply ice, the less bleeding will result.

If possible, elevate the braised area. Blood will leave the area and there will be less swelling.

Rest the limb so you don't injure it further.

If the area is still painful after 48 hours, apply heat with warm towels, a hot water bottle, or a heating pad.

When to Call the Doctor

If signs of infection develop:

  • increased pain, swelling, redness, or tenderness;

  • heat or red streaks extending away from the area;

  • discharge of pus;

  • fever of 100°C or higher with no other cause. If a blow to the eye causes:

  • severe bleeding in the white of the eye, or blood in the colored part of the eye;

  • impaired or double vision;

  • inability to move the eye normally in all directions;

  • severe pain in the eyeball rather than in the eye socket.

If you suddenly begin to bruise easily, or if you have an unexplained recurrent or multiple bruises.


bruise [bru:z] синець, забій

contusion [кпп'ои:ззп] контузія; забите місце

bump [Ьлтр] ударяти(ся); стукати(ся)

rupture ['rAptfs] розрив

seep [si:p] просочуватися

black eye - синець під оком

constrict [kan'strikt] звужувати(сь)

reduce [ri'dju:s] зменшувати, знижувати

heating pad - зігріваюча ватно-марлева пов'язка

tenderness ['tendsnis] чутливість

redness ['rednis] почервоніння streaks [strkks] смужки; прожилки pus [pAs] гній

discharge [dis'tf^dj] виділення blow [bbo] удар

double vision ['dAbl'vi3n] подвоєння в очах socket ['sokit] (тут) очна западина multiple ['mAitiplJ багаторазовий;

багатократний; численний recurrent [гі'клгеш.] повторний; періодичний; рецидивний

Text 2 Burns

Burns are classified as first-, second-, or third-degree depending on their depth, not on the amount of pain or the extent of the burn. A first-degree burn involves only the outer layer of skin. The skin is dry, painful, and sensitive to touch. A mild sunburn is an example.

A second-degree burn involves several layers of skin. The skin becomes swollen, puffy, weepy, or blistered.

A third-degree burn involves all layers of skin and any underlying tissue or organs. The skin is dry, pale white or charred black, swollen and sometimes breaks open. Nerves are destroyed or damaged, so there may be little pain except on the edge where there is a second-degree burn.

First Aid

Run cold tap water over the burn for 10 to 15 minutes. Cold water is the best immediate treatment for minor burns. The cold lowers the skin temperature and lessens the severity of the burn. Do not use ice, as it may further damage the injured skin.

Remove rings, bracelets, watches, or shoes from the burned limb. Swelling may make them difficult to remove later.

For first- and second-degree burns with intact blisters:

- Leave the burn alone for 24 hours. Don't cover the bum unless clothing rubs on it. If it rubs, cover it with a gauze pad taped well away from the burn. Do not encircle a hand, arm, or leg with tape. Change the bandage after 24 hours, and then every two days.

- After two or three days of healing, the juice from an aloe leaf can soothe minor burns.

  • Do not put salve, butter, grease, oil, or ointment on a burn. They increase the risk of infection and don't help heal the burn.

  • For second-degree burns, do not break blisters. If the blisters break, clean the area by running tap water over it. Apply an antibiotic ointment, such as Polysporin or Bacitracin, and cover the bum with a sterile dressing. Don't touch the wound with your hands or any non-sterile objects. Remove the dressing every day, clean the wound and cover it again. - Aspirin or ibuprofen can help relieve pain from minor burns.

Third-degree burns require immediate medical treatment. Call a health professional as soon as possible.


depth [dep0] глибина

outer layer - зовнішній шар

puffy ['рлй] набряклий

weepy [wi:pi] мокнучий, вологий

edge [е<із] край

lessen ['lesan] зменшувати

damage f'daemidj] пошкодження

remove [ri'mov] знімати

rub [глЬ] терти(ся)

gauze pad [go:z] марлевий компрес

Text З


Shock may occur due to sudden illness or injury. When the circulatory system is unable to get enough blood to the vital organs, the body goes into shock. Sometimes, even a mild injury will lead to shock.

The signs of shock include:

  • cool, pale, clammy skin;

  • dilated pupils;

  • week, rapid pulse:

  • shallow, rapid breathing;

  • low blood pressure;

  • thirst, nausea, or vomiting;

  • confusion or anxiety;

  • faintness, weakness, dizziness, or loss of consciousness. Shock is a life-threatening condition. Prompt care can save lives. First Aid

Have the person lie down and elevate his legs 12 inches or more. If the injury is to the head, neck, or chest, keep the legs flat. If the person vomits, roll him to one side to let fluids drain from the mouth.

Control any bleeding and splint any fractures.

Keep the person warm, but not hot. Place a blanket underneath him and cover him with a sheet or a blanket, depending on the weather. If the person is in a hot place, try to keep him cool. Take and count the person's pulse every five minutes. Comfort and reassure him to relieve anxiety. Call for help immediately if signs of shock develop.


vital organ [-vaitl'o:g3n] життєво необхідний орган

loss of consciousness ['ktmjbsnis] втрата свідомості

lead [li:d] призводити clammy ['klaemi] липкий, клейкий dilated pupils - розширені зіниці nausea [-no:sja] нудота vomiting ['vomitin] блювання faintness ['feintnis] непритомність dizziness [dizinis] запаморочення

inch [intf] дюйм (міра довжини) roll [тої] повертати drain [drein] витікати

splint fracture - накладати шину на перелом underneath [,Ands'ni:9] внизу; під anxiety [геп zaiati] тривога, стурбованість, занепокоєння

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