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Список використаних джерел та лiтератури

1. Гаврись В. I., Пророченко О. П. Нiмецько-украïнський фразеологiчний словник. / В 2-х т. / В. І. Гаврись, О. П. Пророченко. – К. : Рад. школа, 1981. – 798 с.

2. Дружбяк С. В. Терміни-фразеологізми в економічній терміносистемі / С. В. Дружбяк // Вісник національного університету «Львівська політехніка». – Львів: Крым, 2008. – № 620. – С. 224-228.

3. Житнікова К. В. Комунікативно-прагматична функція терміна-фразеологізма терміносистеми менеджменту та маркетингу / К. В. Житнікова // Вісник Харківського національного університету ім. В. Н. Каразіна. – Харків: Константа, 2004. – № 636. – С. 72-76.

4. Архангельский В. Л. Устойчивые фразы в современном русском языке: Основы теории устойчивых фраз и проблемы общей фразеологии / В. Л. Архангельский – Ростов-на-Дону: Изд-во Ростов. ун-та, 1964. – 315 с.

5. Телия В. Н. Фактор культуры и воспроизводимость фразеологизмов – знаков-микротекстов / В. Н. Телия // Сокровенные смыслы. Слово. Текст. Культура: Сб. статей в честь Н. Д. Арутюновой. – М.: Наука, 2004. – 677 с.

6. Траутманн Ф. Сравнимое и несравнимое в немецко-русских фразеологизмах / Ф. Траутманн // – Рус. язык в национальной школе, 1977. – № 1. – С. 75-77.

7. Чепасова A. M. Семантические и грамматические свойства фразеологизмов / А. М. Чепасова // – Челябинск: ЧГПИ, 1983. – 92 с.

8. Duhme M. Phraseologie der deutschen Wirtschaftssprache: eine empirische Untersuchung zur Verwendung von Phraseologismen in journalistischen Fachtexten / М. Duhme. – Essen: Die Blaue Eule, 1991. – 222 S.

9. Fleischer W. Phraseologie der deutschen Gegenwartssprache. / W. Fleischer // Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1997. – 357 S.

Н. О. Грідіна

Криворізький державний педагогічний університет

Науковий керівник: викладач Л. Ф. Сорочан

Using computer educational programs at the English lessons

The necessity of using information technologies in teaching English is acknowledged nowadays. Teaching, using computers is now an integral part of the process of learning, interest to this sphere of methodology keeps growing [2]. There are such advantages of using information technologies in comparing with traditional teaching materials as:

  • an individualization of studying

  • handling with great amount of information

  • a complex effect on all sensory systems by using text, audio, animation and video

  • an interactive way of studying

  • confidentiality [4]

  • a distant learning in synchronous and asynchronous conditions [2]

Such new pedagogical technologies as using computer educational programs facilitate teacher’s work and at the same time make the process of studying much more effective by using such methods, forms and techniques of teaching which form the language competence in the best way.

A computer educational program is an electronic teaching complex which ensures a faster learning of a teaching material. Its exercises are easy and absorbing. Such program helps to develop the right pronunciation and to memorize popular phrases very quickly. The main accent is made on the learning of the most usable speaking topics. It allows pupils to begin speaking English after some lessons already. The fast and qualitative mastering of English is a result of unique techniques of memorizing. The lessons cannot be named dull as it is almost an edutainment. This criterion is very important for the smallest pupils because the key activity of primary school’s learners is a game. And lastly, the program is very simple in using. It isn’t needed to know some special computer skills [5].

According to the level of independence and activity of a pupil there are such types of teaching computer programs:

  1. Programs, main aspect of which is practice and training. The aim – studying certain skills;

  2. The modeling programs. They give the possibility to imitate different processes;

  3. Educational games. They are similar to the modeling programs but the main difference between them is an element of competition [1].

The using educational playing programs at the English lessons is more appropriate for pupils of primary school as “the playing activity at the English lesson not only organize the process of communication using this language but also makes it as much closer to the natural communication as possible” [3].

Nowadays there is a plenty of educational English computer programs. That is why the analysis of the quality of computer teaching techniques from the pedagogical point of view is a very important procedure [2]. Every educational program must qualify each of the forms of working at the English lessons. They are:

  • Studying vocabulary;

  • Practicing pronunciation;

  • Developing speaking skills (in the form of a dialogue);

  • Developing writing skills;

  • Practicing grammar issues.

Among the most famous computer English programs which are successfully used at the English lessons in Ukrainian and Russian schools and represent the best results in various forms of are:

  • “English on holidays”;

  • “English Gold”;

  • “Professor Higgins”;

  • “Triple play plus in English”;

  • “Bridge to English” [6].

It would be better to describe each form at its use at the English lessons.

1. Studying vocabulary. Representing and practicing a new subject vocabulary ( ex. Food, Clothes, Seasons etc.) a teacher may use such programs as “Triple play plus in English”, “English on holidays” and “English Gold”. The stages of work with the computer programs are as follows: demonstration, fixing the information and control.

2. Practicing pronunciation. Most of the educational programs have a mode of operation with a microphone. After listening to a word or a phrase a pupil repeats it after an announcer and a graphic picture of announcer’s and pupil’s sounds appears in the screen. The comparison of the sounds allows seeing some inaccuracies in the articulation of a learner. The main goal which a pupil must reach is to achieve the graphic picture of a target sound. The only disadvantage which such kind of work has is demanding much time. The program “Professor Higgins” is one of those which can be useful in practicing pronunciation. It is useful both at the elementary stage of learning English and at the following stages. It may be used at the lessons during the phonetic exercise when proverbs, sayings and rhymings are learned.

3. Developing speaking skills (in the form of a dialogue). One more good example of work with dialogues is represented by “Triple play plus in English”. There are 12 dialogues on different topics in it. After a dialogue has been chosen several pictures appear in the screen. They are the scenes of this dialogue. Working at this task, a pupil must go through three steps: an acquaintance with the dialogue, its learning and imitating and finally – the control of the speech in a form of a dialogue after studying all 12 dialogues.

4. Developing writing skills. This kind of work solves two tasks simultaneously: it helps to develop a skill of English words’ right writing and mastering skills of working with a keyboard. The computer education program “Bridge to English” helps to cope with these problems. Almost every exercise provides activities for typing English words and sentences using a keyboard.

5. Practicing grammar issues. All computer educational programs make provision of certain grammatical structures for practice. There are 20 lessons in the program “Bridge to English”. Every lesson works its grammar issues through. In the part “Grammar” of “Professor Higgins” there are two sections: grammar and practical. Checking knowledge of a pupil, the program marks his/her progress and helps if it is necessary. The program “English Gold” in its turn has 144 microdialogues, every of each works a certain grammar structure through.

To sum up, the great variety of computer educational programs requires a detailed analysis in order to estimate their effectiveness in the process of studying English. Usage of the computer programs at the English lessons improves the learning process and makes it more interesting.


  1. Башмаков А.И., Башмаков И.А. Разработка компьютерных учебников и обучающих систем. М., 2003.

  2. Бовтенко М.А. Компьютерная лингводидактика. М.: Флинта. Наука, 2005.

  3. Конышева А.В. Игровой метод в обучении иностранному языку. СПб.: КАРО, 2006.

  4. Конышева А.В. Современные методы обучения английскому языку. Минск: ТеатраСистемс, 2005.

  5. Программы для изучения английского языка – Режим доступу: http://laem.ru/programmy-dlya-izucheniya-angliiskogo-yazyka.

  6. Формы работы с компьютерными обучающими программами на уроках иностранного языка – Режим доступу: http://virtlab.ioso.ru/method.htm