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352 CHAPTER 9: Navigation Controllers and Table Views

UITextField *nextField = nil;

for (UIView *oneView in nextCell.contentView.subviews) { if ([oneView isMemberOfClass:[UITextField class]])

nextField = (UITextField *)oneView;


Finally, we can tell that new text field to become the first responder.

[nextField becomeFirstResponder];

Now, compile and run. This time, when you drill down to the detail view, tapping the Return button will take you to the next field in the table, which will make entering data much easier for your users.

Breaking the Tape

This chapter was a marathon, and if you’re still standing, you should feel pretty darn good about yourself. Dwelling on these mystical table view and navigation controller objects is important because they are the backbone of a great many iOS applications, and their complexity can definitely get you into trouble if you don’t truly understand them.

As you start building your own tables, check back to this chapter and the previous one, and don’t be afraid of Apple’s documentation, either. Table views are extraordinarily complex, and we could never cover every conceivable permutation, but you should now have a very good set of table view building blocks you can use as you design and build your own applications. As always, feel free to reuse this code in your own applications. It’s a gift from us to you. Enjoy!

In the next chapter, we’re going to introduce you to Storyboards, one of the biggest new features iOS 5 brings to developers. That’s right, the Storyboards concept isn’t really an end-user feature, but rather a set of enhancements to Xcode and new APIs in UIKit, which allow developers to design the structure of a complex navigation-based application in a whole new way. Storyboards will make your job much easier and even more fun!




Over the course of the past several chapters, you’ve become intimately familiar with nib files, the UITableView class, and navigating between views using UINavigationViewController. Together, these building blocks make up a robust, flexible tool kit for building mobile apps, as evidenced by the hundreds of thousands of iPhone and iPad applications that have been created in the past few years.

However, there’s always room for improvement. As more and more people have been introduced to these tools, some of their shortcomings have started to feel like a burden. As you’ve been learning, you may have wondered about some of these issues yourself:

The delegate/dataSource pattern for specifying UITableView content is great for creating dynamic tables, but if you know in advance precisely what your table will contain, isn’t it all a bit wordy? What if you could specify table contents in a more declarative manner, skipping all the call and response that the current system entails?

The use of nib files for storing freeze-dried object graphs is great, as far as it goes. But if your app has more than one view controller, as almost all apps do, switching between them always requires a certain amount of manual labor in the form of redundant, boilerplate code. What if this could be streamlined?

In a complex application with many view controllers, it can be hard to see the big picture. Communications and transitions between controllers are codified within every controller class. Not only does this make it hard to read an app’s source code, requiring you to study delegate and action methods in each controller to see how it connects to other controllers, but it also makes the app’s code more fragile. What if you had a way to describe interactions between view controllers at a level outside the controllers themselves, letting you see the entire flow of data and interactions in one place?

If you’ve been concerned about any of these issues, you’re in luck! As it turns out, Apple has been concerned about them, too. It has included with the iOS 5 SDK a new system called Storyboards that aims to solve each of these problems.

D.Mark et al., Beginning iOS 5 Development

©Dave Mark, Jack Nutting, Jeff LaMarche 2011



CHAPTER 10: Storyboards

Storyboards build on the familiar nib concept, and are edited in the same way, using Xcode’s Interface Builder. But unlike nibs, storyboards also allow you to work with multiple views, each attached to its own view controller, in a single visual workspace. You can configure how transitions between view controllers should occur, and you can also configure a table view with a fixed set of predefined cells. In this chapter, we’ll explore some of these new capabilities so you can get a feel for storyboards, see how they differ from nib files, and figure out where to work storyboards into your own apps.

NOTE: As you’ll see, storyboards are awesome. It’s important to know, though, that at the moment at least, storyboards will run only on devices sporting iOS 5 and above. That will be less

of an issue as more and more people move to iOS 5 over time.

Creating a Simple Storyboard

Let’s start off with a simple project to demonstrate some of the basic characteristics of storyboards. In Xcode, select File New New Project… to create a new project. Select

Single View Application from the iOS Application group, and click Next. Name the project Simple Storyboard, click to enable the Use Storyboard checkbox, and click Next again. Finally, select the directory where you want to save your project and click Create.

Once the project is created, look at the project navigator. You’ll see some familiar sights, such as the BIDAppDelegate and BIDViewController class files. You’ll also notice that there’s no BIDViewController.xib, but there is a MainStoryboard.storyboard file. The storyboard file isn’t named after the view controller because, unlike nibs, a storyboard is designed to be able to easily represent content for several view controllers.

Select MainStoryboard.storyboard, and you’ll see that Xcode switches into the familiar Interface Builder display, as shown in Figure 10-1. Some subtle differences exist between the nib editing interface we’ve used up to this point and the storyboard editing interface. For example, the storyboard Interface Builder editor doesn’t contain an icon mode when working with a storyboard. Instead, clicking the disclosure triangle to the right of the bottom of the dock makes the entire dock collapse and disappear.


CHAPTER 10: Storyboards


Figure 10-1. A view controller, as seen in a storyboard

Another example involves the first responder and view controller icons. If you select

View Controller in the dock, the First Responder and View Controller icons will appear below the view controller, in addition to appearing in the dock (see Figure 10-2). In a storyboard, each view and its corresponding view controller always appear together in this way, and together they are referred to as a scene.



CHAPTER 10: Storyboards

Figure 10-2. When you select View Controller, the First Responder and View Controller icons appear below the view controller.

You’ll also see that the view shown in the editing area has a big arrow pointing to it. This will come in handy later in this chapter when we create storyboards containing multiple views. The arrow points out which view controller is the initial view controller that should be loaded and displayed when the app loads this storyboard. When you actually have multiple views in your storyboard, you simply drag the arrow around to point to the correct initial view controller. Right now, we have only one view. If you try dragging the arrow around, you’ll see that it always pops back to where it started as soon as you release the mouse button.

The other big change to the editing area is that you can zoom in and out with a set of controls at the lower right of the editing pane. This is handy when dealing with a lot of view controllers in a storyboard, since it allows you to see several view controllers and the connections between them all at once. Note that when you’re zoomed out, Interface Builder won’t let you drag any objects from the object library into your views. You also can’t select any of the objects inside your views when you’re zoomed out. So, overall, this isn’t really a useful mode for editing your views, but it is a good way to get a sense of the overall picture.


CHAPTER 10: Storyboards


Now, let’s add a label to our view. Make sure you’re zoomed all the way in, and drag a Label from the object library to the center of the view. Double-click the label to select its text, and change the text to Simple. Run your application, and you’ll see your app launch and display the label you just created.

You’ve seen some template-generated apps before, but with storyboards, things are a little different. Let’s take a look at the rest of our project to see what’s happening with the storyboard-based app behind the scenes.

In the project navigator, select BIDViewController.m, and take a look through the code. Except for the autorotation method, all the methods in this file send a message to the superclass and then return. Certainly, there’s no mention of our storyboard here.

Move on to BIDAppDelegate.m. You’ll see a series of empty methods. Direct your attention to application:didFinishLaunchingWithArguments:, which looks quite a bit different from how the same method has been implemented in our other apps. In the apps we’ve created up to this point, this method has contained code to create a UIWindow, perhaps open a nib file, and more. This one, however, is pretty empty! So, how does our app know that it’s supposed to load our storyboard, and how does its initial view get put into a window? Bottom line: the key to this question lies in the target settings.

Go to the project navigator and select the topmost Simple Storyboard item, which represents the project itself. Make sure the Simple Storyboard target is also selected, along with the Summary tab at the top, and look for the iPhone / iPod Deployment Info section, where you’ll see that MainStoryboard is configured as the Main Storyboard (see Figure 10-3).

As it turns out, that’s all the configuration required to make your app automatically create a window, load the storyboard and its initial view, create the initial view controller specified in the storyboard, and hook it all up. That means, among other things, that the application delegate gets to be a little simpler, since the creation of the window and the initial view are all taken care of for you. All of the wiring is done behind the scenes, but if you enable storyboarding in a project, you get this simplification for free.


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