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Словари - 2006 / словарь.doc
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Is anything but a natural in the role.

From the often heard phrases Watch out, I'm mad, me. I'll do anything, I'm absolutely crazy.

Example: Avoid Claire, she's a madme.

@madness:= Totally rad and really cool or baffling.

Example: That's madness, brother.

@madschool:= hardcore, old school and mad skill merged together

Example: Wow, thats madschool!

@magafalator:= (n) Anything you have no other name for.

Example: I opened up my computer and connected the wire to the little magafalator on my motherboard.

@maggrivating:= another form of aggrivating

Especially when aggrivated by somebody who's name starts with the letter m

Example: M--- is so maggrivating!

I'm so magrivated!

@Magic Jordan:= The ideal basketball player: incredible offense, incredible defense, wins championships at all levels (high school, college, Olympics and pros).

Example: Vince Carter's great but he's no Magic Jordan.

@magic smoke:= The stuff inside expensive electric things that you can smell if you accidentally zorch them on a

dry winter day. Once you let it out, that thing will never work again.

Example: I touched my Palm Pilot after shuffling across the rug,

and I think I let out the magic smoke because now it doesn't work.

@magikrap:= Derived from the Pokemon Magikarp. The absolute worst and most useless of something. Use as a substitute for crap.

Example: This computer you gave me is magikrap.

@magishical:= The same as magical, but more so.

Example: All of the lights glistened off the tree. Shawn found it all very magishical.

@magnivi:= very cool

Example: great cd, magnivi

@Magnum P.O.'d:= Magnum pissed off--as pissed off as you can possibly be.

Example: She is Magnum P.O.'d at me.

@magodie:= Similar to 'thingy', but usually in a digital / interactive context.

Example: Let's get Alan to whip up a quick Flash magodie for the site.

@magumbo:= A bad feeling about a place, person, or event.

Example: The hallway gives me magumbo.

@mah-purrr:= Much appreciation

Example: alex said mah-purrr when his mom gave him a new car.

@maha:= Fun, special, wonderful, etc.

Example: Q. How was the show? A. It was maha.

@maharishi:= To whine incessantly about others being cheaters while playing a game.

Example: The game was great 'til Timmy began to maharishi because he's so bad at it.

@mahkayooka:= Contraction for my car, your car.

Used as a question when two people are trying to determine which car to take on a trip.

The first or second half of the word can be used as an answer.

Example: John and Tim walked out to the parking lot to go to lunch. Mahkayooka? asked Tim.

Mahka, answered John.

@mahoosive:= Large. Like, really large. Massive doesn't come close. We're talking almost too big for your pitiful imagination to comprehend.

Example: (Deleted line from Star Wars)

Look at the Death Star. It's mahoosive.

@mahousive:= Bigger than massive, but not gigroncous.

Example: That is one mahousive burger.

@mahusive:= adj., massive and thensome, gargantuan, oversized

Example: Heather, who had been elected prom queen, developed acute anxiety when, the night before, she discovered a mahusive zit on the tip of her chin.

@mailbox head:= Someone who has an unusually squarish head. Can also be used to describe a stupid or foolish person.

Example: Some mailbox head parked in my space in front of the office this morning.

@Main Damie:= Similar to Buddy or best friend, a person one likes and socializes with.

Example: You're so cool, you know you're my main damie.

@maja de bum:= Ma-sha day bum. A term used to curse someone. Originates from the French phrase eat your apple.

Example: Novotny: Maybe we should go do something that's fun?

Miller: Maja de bum, Novotny.

@majoodied:= The extreme state of inebriation.

Example: Simon was majoodied at the party last week.

@majuberous:= Spotty, scattered, incomplete or poorly defined.

Example: It was a small pub with a majuberous assortment of unfamiliar beers.

@make-want:= To act or behave in such a way as to cause another person (potential sex partner) to desire you.

Example: It is usually not enough just to be good looking. In order to successfully attract a mate, one must also make-want.

@makee:= Someone who is receiving something from someone who has made something.

Example: Why did you give me the dodgy cup when you made my tea and you have the good one?

Cause I was the maker and you, my friend, were just the makee.

@making a sentence fancy:= When you add an unecessary cuss word to a sentence.

Example: He's a fucking asshole. Sorry, I had to make that sentence fancy because I am so upset.

@making googly eyes:= To look amorously at someone. In cartoons, googly eyes are indicated by large hearts replacing the iris and pupil.

Example: Martha was making googly eyes at Charlie.

@mal:= Pronounced mull--like we pronounce dull, skull, etc. Used to describe a sexy chick.

Unfortunately, the literary meaning of 'mal' is properties, luggage, baggage, etc.

Example: Look at the legs on that mal!

@Malefit:= The prefixial opposite of benefit. To do harm to, or contribute in a bad way. Also, as a noun, one who or that which does bad things or contributes in a bad way.

Example: Chris was a real malefit to the group, and they were glad to see him go.

@malgenics:= The opposite of eugenics. the science of promoting the mating of horribly dysfunctional people.

Example: I think that the next step of our malgenics experiment is to get 'Boz and Hinkley to go out on a date.

@malicosity:= Mal-ish-ah-city--a state of malicious behavior. Maliciousness.

Example: The statement was made without an ounce of malicosity. It was simply taken wrong.

@malignorance:= The type of ignorance that causes loss or harm to oneself or another.

Example: Due to my own malignorance as a first-time investor, I've lost thousands of dollars in the stock market this past year.

@Maliphonolyrical:= Adjective describing words sung in a song that sound like something else.

Common in many modern forms of music.

Example: Celine: Near, far, wherever you are, I belive that the hot-dogs go on.

Leonardo: Oh, that's very maliphonolyrical.

@Mall babies:= snotty nosed dirty children and/or a mall dweller at any age.

Example: eeew look at that mall baby

@mall burn:= Scars you receive while fighting the crowds when shopping.

Example: I came down with heavy mall burn while doing my Christmas shopping.

@Mall Job:= 1. Actually having a job at a Mall.

2. Someone who dresses overly trendy.

3. Used more generally, to describe someone who doesn't think for herself.

Example: Look at that girl over there, dressed like Britney Spears. She's a reall mall job.

@mall rat:= Anyone who dresses as gothy as possible and wanders around malls annoying shoppers by escalators.

Example: Goddamn mall rats! I'm too tired to climb the escalator.

@mallardruid:= A mallard who crawls around town curing plants from toxic waste and so forth.

Example: Is it a plane? Is it a car? No, it's mallardruid.

@mallburbia:= the business community that has developed in the vicinity of a mall

Example: after shopping at the mall my sister and I had more things to pick-up and we found them in mallburbia.

@mallet approach:= used often in school. If you are unsure of an answer, you write an incredibly long answer that covers such a wide topic, you are sure to get the question right.

Example: I used the mallet approach on a social studies paper and wrote a six page answer.

@malling:= To go shopping at the mall.

Example: Let's go malling. I want to check out the sales.

@mallitis:= A condition brought on after following your female companion through too many sale racks.

Symptoms include light headedness, irritability, slumping shoulders,

and an overwhelming need for a place to sit.

Example: I have been in this Mall so long I think I might have a case of mallitis.

@Mallrat:= A person who spends much of their free time at the mall, not necessarily buying anything or working.

Example: Rob is a mallrat if I've ever met one. You can always find him at the mall on Saturdays, even when he's broke.

@malltrash:= Essentially mallrats, but more derogatory.

Example: I went to see a movie at the mall and there was all this malltrash--made me embarrassed to be there.

@malternative:= A worse alternative; another option that is unpreferable.

The word originates from Malternatives, non-alcoholic malt-based drinks that are touted

as an alternative to beer.

Being non-alcoholic, they're not a pleasant option.

Example: My girlfriend kicked me out of the house yesterday.

Соседние файлы в папке Словари - 2006