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Словари - 2006 / словарь.doc
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2. Kate produced a loud snoffle.

@snog:= to kiss lustily, a REALLY wet kiss

Example: Buffy snogged Selma Blair in Cruel Intentions.

@snoggle:= To get, to obtain.

Example: Oooh! CloneCD! Excellent idea, I gotta snoggle me a copy of that.

@snoke:= The collection of ice and snow that forms on the back of the wheel well on your car.

Example: It's a pain kicking off the snokes on my car.

@snoodge:= The substance (consisting of compressed hair shavings, skin, shave cream, blood, and other facial detritus)

that collects between the blades of a multi-blade razor, diminishing its effectiveness.

Example: Next razor I buy, I'm getting the kind with the built-in snoodge ejector, so it won't get clogged up

and thrown away so quickly.

@snoofle:= A snoofle is a small fuzzy animal.

It comes in many colors and different body parts (some even wear hats).

One can be set to a task depending on its abilities, but if it ever completes this task

it will disappear in a colored puff of smoke.

As an example: A Guard Snoofle is common, most of them are dark blue, have two legs and their eyes glow.

They also have a nose shaped like a horn that can make loud noises.

It can use its glowing eyes to search in the dark and if it finds trouble over what its guarding it will honk its nose loudly.

But a Guard Snoofle is only an example, there are many other kinds of snoofles!

Example: The purple spy snoofle used its wings to climb the tower and spy on the evil wizard.

@snooganz:= adj, cool..wow....awesome

Example: man that concert was snooganz

@snoogins:= An informal greeting


@snooker:= To deceive or trick.

Example: I snookered my friend into buying all the beer last night.

@snooky:= a cute, furry creature, with slick fur

Example: There's a snooky on my lap

@snoona:= the slippery paper that you get stickers on.

Example: no, don't give me the whole snoona. i only want that one sticker!

@snoop:= money

Example: Give me all your snoop

@snoozapalooza:= A very boring event.

Example: The staff meeting today was a snoozapalooza.

@snoozerfrasm:= Stupid person

Example: The boy is acting like a snoozerfrasm.

@snorefest:= A word to be used when an event is boring or tedius

Example: A-Gee that movie was boring. B-Yeah, it was a snorefest!

@Snorgasm:= when a person finally sneezes after several false starts.

Example: I'll tell you how I caught this cold--an inconsiderate woman sitting next to me on the bus didn't cover her proboscis before her snorgasm.

@snork:= A person who smells the bicycle seats of other people.

Example: Chris is smelling that chick's bike seat! What a snork!

@snork:= Accidentally inhaling a drink into one's nasal passages, often while laughing.

Example: Jerry's joke made Kevin snork his milk and shoot it out his nose.

@snorky:= How you feel when you're totally stuffed up from a cold or allergies.

Example: I feel totally snorky. I think I'm going to take some cold medicine.

@snortle:= A cross between a snort and a chortle.

Example: I snortled at her outrageous comment, which was just this side of offensive.

@snost:= Past tense of snooze, particularly meaning overslept and custom-designed to rhyme with lost.

Example: You snooze you lose, and I definitely snost.

@snot:= Shortening of the phrase, 'it is not'.

Example: 'snot fair!

@snotcicle:= In cold weather climates, when a nose runs and the resulting mucous freezes as it drips out of a nostril.

Example: It was so cold out Tommy had snotcicles hanging from his nose.

@snotgobbler:= The guy who will eat absolutely anything.

Example: Can you believe that he ate ALL of the soy liver product? My God, what a snotgobbler he is.

@snotrocket:= What is produced when holding one side of your nose and projecting contents of

other side at high pressure into the environment.

Example: Feeling congested the man turned his head and launched a snotrocket onto the sidewalk.

@snotscoop:= The concave bit between your nose and your top lip.

Example: Errgh, give me a tissue: it's running down the snotscoop!

@Snough:= A sound emitted from someone that sounds like a cough or a sneeze.

Example: Tom let out a snough, so I didn't know whether to say, God bless you or not.

@snow-bird n. (Also snow-birdin:= Upper-middle class retirees from the American Northeast and Canada who migrate to their retirement homes in

Florida for the months of October through March.

Example: The snow-birds usually do not permanently move to Florida, but just use their homes there to escape

the brutal winters of the American Northeast and Canada.

@snowberg:= The accumulation of snow, dirt, salt, and ice that develops in the fenderwell, on the mudflaps, and on the quarterpanel of a vehicle.

Example: I had to go and kick off the snowbergs from my truck again this morning.

@snowbow:= Same as rainbow, but used when it snows. Color of snowbow is silver and white. Have you seen one? I have,

Example: It's snowing. See the snowbow in the sky.

@snowed in:= Grounded

Example: Lauryn: Hey, do you wanna go out to eat with me tonight?

Nicky: Sorry, can't. I'm snowed in.

@snowflake:= Verb. Origin is Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

The act of failing all one's classes for a term.

The term originated because WPI does not record failed classes on students' transcripts.

Thus, if you fail all your classes, your report card is clean as new-blown snow.

Example: Well, it's no shock that Fred snowflaked; he hasn't gone to class for weeks.

@snowflakin:= To back out of something. To say one thing, yet do another.

Example: You're not going through with the plan? Don't be snowflakin!

@snowjob:= when you hold someone down in the snow and kick/push snow onto them. a favourite pasttime in schoolyards across the great white north.

Example: if you don't stop hogging the waterstation, you're getting a snowjob at recess!

@snucky:= Very poor snow conditions at a skiing area.

Example: The hill is usually snucky by April 3rd.

@snud:= the snowy/gloppy stuff that collects in wheel wells when it's snowing and there's salt on the road.


@snuddly, snuddle:= Soft aNd cUDDLY. Usually refers to the shoulder of a female, or a fuzzy article of clothing.

Example: 1. You're a very snuddly person. 2. That's a snuddly shirt you're wearing.

@snuff:= To punch.

Example: Oh, you just got snuffed in your bread-box, Jimmy.

@Snurdy:= Irritating manner adopted on purpose to wind people up.

Example: Stop trying to wind my up you snurdy git.

@snurf:= The act of burping and sneezing at the same time,

and bringing up that icky flavored puke/bile in the back of your throat.

Example: I snurfed in the middle of math class... t was disgusting.

@snurfer, snurfing:= Snorting/grunting sound infant makes whenpicked up. Also describes an affectionate child, or, as a derrogatory, to imply that someone is brown-nosing.

Example: My son, Alec, is the king of the snurfers. He's been snurfing since he was 3 days old.

@snurple:= Smurf-flavored Kraft Macaroni and Cheese.

Example: Excuse me, miss, do you have any snurples in stock?

@snutch:= A particularly cute mongrel dog. Purebreds need not apply. (This is a word in constant use by members of my family.)

Example: Aww, wookit da cute widdle snutch!

@snuzzy:= The tingling sensation after a powerful sneeze. A combination of sneeze and buzz.

Example: My allergies are acting up today, but the snuzzy feeling is kind of nice.

@snй:= Spontaneous Nipple Erection.

Example: Check out your sister. She has a case of snй--for me?

@so kaka:= Means that someone is doing something out of this world.

Example: You're so kaka.

@so:= 1. Used before any other word to describe it as more or larger. [ED. This use of so may already be in some unabridged dictionaries.]

2: To not care about what someone else is saying or pointing out to you.

Example: 1. I am so tired.

2: And she was like... So?

@so:= Word added for emphasis of whatever follows it; it's not just for adjectives anymore.

Example: You are _so_ lying to me right now--I can tell by the look on your face.

@soakin:= Completely, absolutely, to the full or entire extent.

Example: It is soakin hot today.

@Soap-Boxing:= When a person negatively preaches or Speaks loudly to a group of people, Making sure the subject of the speech places all the blame on the group of people, and not on the Soap-Boxer

Example: I would have taken lunch earlier, but my manager was Soap Boxing us to death...

@Society:= Synonym for civilization. Note capital 'S' differentiates this word from its lowercase counterpart.

Example: Society needs capital punishment.

@socio-capitalist:= An oxymoron of politics.

Example: This is ridiculous.

Josh works in commerce and votes NDP? He must be a socio-capitalist.

@sock-bone:= The protruding bone on the outside edge of the feet; a hill-like projection of bone just to the side of the ankle.

Example: I was so surprised when I didn't see my word in the pseudodictionary that I leapt out my chair, knocking my sock-bone on the desk.

@Sock Fairy:= The one person in any household who ends up taking the everyone's socks

off the radiators and putting them back in the sock drawers.

Usually works unseen by the other occupants in a role they had forgotten existed.

Example: Sally had been away at the spring conference for two weeks now and Bill's sock drawer was

down to his Christmas socks. So,she's the Sock fairy, he thought.

@sockpuppet:= A cowardly denizen of the internet, who uses the anonymity of an ever-changing handle to harass and malign others in a way she would never have the courage to do in real life.

Example: Having no self-esteem or particular knowledge of his own, the sockpuppet posts away ad nauseum, wasting bandwidth and contributing nothing to the community.

@socular riblets:= the marks/indentions on you ankles and lower legs that appear after wearing tight socks.

Example: I thought had some weird disease when I looked down at my legs but then i realized that the temporary disfigurements were simply socular riblets

@SOD:= Abreviation for Servus Octogoniae Divine-latin (the servant of the Divine Octogony),

conceived by the founder of the system of octogonical perceptrion for describe a persone performing

good things and the virtue.

Everyone's duty is to become a SOD, to serve good and to fight against evil.

Example: Tatomir try from all his strength to be SOD.

The key to happiness is to be SOD.

@Soda Crackers:= Noun; A disgusting tasting food.

Example: This sandwich tastes like soda crackers.

@Soda:= Another word for a soft drink.

Example: When I am thirsty, an ice cold soda hits the spot.

Do you have any change for the soda machine?

@sodalactite:= Those drops of soda that are left on the inside of your drink container.

Example: I could see many sodalactites in my Big Gulp today.

@sodamigo:= A gay man's companion.

Example: The television director took the stage at the awards show and thanked his family, the industry,

and his sodamigo Bruce.

@sodapea:= Things left behind in a soda bottle or soda can after the soda has been consumed.

Example: Leving that sodapea in your can is bad for the environment.

@sodonym:= A word that sounds as though it should be sexual or scatalogical, but isn't.

Example: Sodonym is a sodonym, as is Volvo.

@Sofa-Kingdom:= A word that is used during frustration with oneself.

Example: That movie was sofa-kingdom.

@soft:= To describe one's behaviour as weak or poor.

Example: Is Dave coming out tonight?? Nah, he's gone soft in the head

@softie:= Suburban Old Fart, Taking It Easy

Example: They used to be yuppies; now they're softies.

@softwarmfuzzygoth:= the feeling of soft warm fuzzies induced by something which would not induce soft warm fuzzies in normal people. i.e. something dark, morbid, or just plain wrong.

Example: My boyfriend took me for a walk in the cemetary last night. It made me feel so softwarmfuzzygoth.

@soggify:= To soak somthing until it becomes very soggy.

Example: I like to soggify my Oreos before I eat them. Especially in chocolate milk!

@sokay:= shortened form of it's okay by me

Example: in a private chat room, Cathy tells John to hold on a minute while she checks her email. John replies, sokay!

@solid!:= An exclaimation used after a good job.

Example: after a homerun you could say solid!

@solipsists' ball:= A standard, but excellent, excuse for avoiding some tedious social event, in favour of your own company.

Example: Sorry, can't make it tonight: it's the Solipsists' Ball, don't ya know.

@Solutionation:= A solution that looks great in theory but has absolutely no impact in practice on the problem for which it was intended solve.

Example: We thought that electing new politicians to replace the old politicians would solve the campaign finanace problem but that turned out to be a solutionation.

@Solvent green:= That which breaks the ice among four women when they gossip jealously about a fifth woman.

Example: See that bridge table over there--the one with the four women?

Соседние файлы в папке Словари - 2006