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Словари - 2006 / словарь.doc
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2. Oh, my bagels.

@baggapple:= Used when you stub your toe or hurt yourself. Scream this in place of a curse word.

Example: Baggapple, I just hurt my finger hammering.

@bagmata:= The red marks you get on the palms of your hands from carrying heavy plastic bags.

Example: I carried these heavy bags of groceries all the way out to the car. Now I've got bagmata.

@bah:= a word used to describe when something is bad

Example: Bah! My hair looks horrible today!

@bahoozle:= Jerk, fool, moron-- an irritating person

Example: That bahoozle just took my parking space.

@bailski:= 1) to leave somewhere you dont want to be 2) to take a major fall

Example: 1) guys this is boring lets bailski 2) Oh man he took a harsh bailski

@baint:= The worst most vile, gross thing you can possibly imagine.

Example: Ugh...did you see that?That was baint.

@bairn:= Scottish expression: a small child.

Example: I havn't been back to Scotland since I was but a wee bairn.

@bait shop:= 1. A place or gathering where there are many people to whom you are physically attracted.

However, you will only be thwarted in all attempts to convince any of these people into a physical

relationship. Consequently you will return home alone and fantasize about the people.

2. A strip club or a Hooter's restaurant.

Example: Dianne: Lets go to that beach with all of the hot guys.

Mary: That's just a bait shop, all those guys are gay.

Billy: That sorority PapaMikeSierra is having a party!

Jack: Unless you are a frat-boy with a Porsche, it's a bait shop.

@baja:= (v) Going over hills or dunes of sand at high speeds.

Example: That car is baja-ing like crazy.

@baka:= (adj) Stupid, idiotic, foolish. (n) A stupid or foolish person. From the Japanese baka, or foolish. Used mainly for comedic effect.

Example: My little brother is a baka.

@baking donuts:= To go out and make money.

Going to work.

Earn your living with a job.

Taken from Mark Leyner's novel _Et Tu Babe_

Example: Q: What you doing tonight?

A: Bakin' donuts.

@bald hair day:= A day when nothing goes at all, except your hair. See bad hair day.

Example: I've been tearing my hair out all week--and now I am having a bald hair day.

@Baldwin:= A really good looking guy.

Example: The new guy in my math class is a Baldwin!

@ball-breaker:= (adj) Pushy, irritating, or just plain bothersome. Said especially of a female boss.

Example: My boss is really being a ball-breaker today.

@Baller:= 1) One who is at the top of his/her game. 2) A person who has a lot of money or material possesions

Example: Look at the ride he drove up in, he's a baller!

@Ballhitow:= Used in golf when someone is hit in the head by a golf ball by another player.

Example: I was golfing yesterday, and I got ballhitow!

@balling:= Walking quickly with no intention of stopping to chat.

Example: Look at him balling down the hall like he's got some place to go.

@ballitician:= An adjective used to describe a person who is half baller and half politician.

Or a person who can make nice with the ladies but also has some right ideas. See: Bill Clinton.

Example: That guy is neck deep in ladies and still has the time to kick it with his peeps. What a ballitician.

@balljazz:= The odourous sticky brown crap picked off the rollers when you've finally decided that it's high time to clean your mouse cos you can't click straight. Although its chemical makeup remains a mystery despite billions of dollars being poured into analysis in Silicon Valley, it is believed to be non-toxic and edible.

Example: Christ, I've got anough balljazz here to stuff a pillow!

@balloon-head:= someone with an overinflated ego, a fat head

Example: hey balloon-head, Noah built the ark, not Moses

@balloonistic:= Ego over-inflated to the point of becoming airborne.

Example: When Bill Gates defied congress, he really went balloonistic.

@ballpark accurate:= More or less accurate, plus or minus quite a few standard deviations.

Example: It will affect a million customers-- but that's only ballpark accurate.

@balls out:= At maximum possible speed. Derived from operation of a mechanical governor on a steam engine, where a shaft spun two opposing balls. When maximum speed was set, the balls rotated in their greatest radius.

Example: We're so late on delivering on the Hiphip Project we need to go balls out--so we'll start with an all-nighter. [ED. Any idea of the etymology of balls to the wall, which means essentially the same.]

@balls to the wall:= At full speed. Early jet-age expression referring to the bakelite balls on the top of a aircraft throttle. To push the same towards the firewall of the aircraft and go at maximum speed.

Example: We needed to make up time on the red-eye to LAX so we went balls to the wall from Phoenix onwards.

@balls:= It's an old wives' tale that testicles can be used to measure hot temperatures to within a few degrees. Hot as balls is around 100 degrees Fahrenheit; hotter than balls is anything hotter. (See witch's tit.)

Example: South Carolina in the summer is hotter than balls.

@bally:= You can place it almost anywhere in a sentence for emphasis.

Example: That movie was abso-bally-loutely amazing! OR That leaf is bally weird!

@balmuto:= Old.

Example: Of course that Rembrandt is balmuto. He's been dead for centuries!

@BAM!:= a word used to excite someone or throw them off guard. comes from the TV show In Living Color.

Example: Check out this demo tape and ...BAM! We got it going on!

@bambosol:= like when you go somewhere and you did not have fun are was weak its bambosol

Example: that party we went to was bambosol

@bamming:= Amazing, increadible, highly interesting and different from the rest.

Example: Did you see that bamming painting?

@bamshmer:= An inside term to refer to attractive girls without being obvious.

Соседние файлы в папке Словари - 2006