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Chapter 47 Using the Video Post Interface 1113

4.Next add the rendered image by clicking the Add Scene Event button and selecting the Perspective view. Name the event rendered airplane. Click the Render Options button to open the Render Scene panel. Disable the Anti-Aliasing option in the MAX Default Scanline A-Buffer rollout in the Renderer panel, and click OK. Click OK again to exit the Edit Scene Event dialog box.

5.Select both the background and rendered airplane events, and click the Add Image Layer Event button. Select the Alpha Compositor option, and click OK.

This composites the background image and the rendered image together by removing all the green background from the rendered scene.

6.Add an output event by clicking the Add Image Output Event button. Name the event final. Click OK to exit the Add Image Output Event dialog box.

7.To run the processing, click the Execute Sequence button on the toolbar to open the Execute Video Post interface, select the Single output range option, click the 640×480 size button, and click Render.

Figure 47-20 shows the final composited image.

Figure 47-20: The airplane in this image is rendered, and the background is composited.


Using the Video Post interface, you can composite several different images, filters, and effects together. All these different compositing elements are listed as events in a queue. The Video Post interface provides, along with the Render Scene dialog box, another way to create output.

1114 Part XI Compositing and Post-Production

In this chapter, you

Learned about the post-production process

Explored the Video Post interface

Worked with sequences

Explored all the various filter types

Learned to add and edit events and manipulate their ranges

Discovered the Lens Effects filters

This concludes the rendering and post-production part of the book. The next part presents ways to extend the functionality of Max using MAXScript and plug-ins.




MAXScript and




In This Part

Chapter 48

Automating with


Chapter 49

Expanding Max with Third-Party Plug-Ins