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IlFrnk / Английский / John Ronald Reuel Tolkien-The Hobbit.doc
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Imagine so from the smoke,” said the hobbit.

That does not prove it,” said Balin, “though I don’t doubt you are right.

But he might be gone away some time, or he might be lying out on the

mountain-side keeping watch, and still I expect smokes and steams would

come out of the gates: all the halls within must be filled with his foul reek.”

With such gloomy thoughts, followed ever by croaking crows above them,

they made their weary way back to the camp. Only in June they had been

guests in the fair house of Elrond, and though autumn was now crawling

towards winter that pleasant time now seemed years ago. They were alone in

the perilous waste without hope of further help. They were at the end of their

journey, but as far as ever, it seemed, from the end of their quest. None of

them had much spirit left.

Now strange to say (теперь, как ни странно /сказать/) Mr. Baggins had more

than the others (у мистера Бэггинса осталось: «было» ее /силы духа/ больше,

чем у других). He would often borrow Thorin’s map (он частенько заимствовал

у Торина карту) and gaze at it (и пристально всматривался в нее), pondering

over the runes (размышляя над рунами; to ponder — обдумывать, взвешивать,

размышлять) and the message of the moon-letters (и над посланием

/написанным/ лунными буквами) Elrond had read (которое прочитал Элронд).

It was he (именно он) that made the dwarves begin the dangerous search

(заставил гномов начать опасные поиски) on the western slopes (по западным

склонам) for the secret door (/в поисках/ секретной двери). They moved their

camp then (тогда они передвинули свой лагерь) to a long valley (в длинную

Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка



долину), narrower than the great dale in the South (/которая была/ эже, чем

огромная долина на Юге) where the Gates of the river stood (где стояли Ворота

реки), and walled with lower spurs of the Mountain (и была огорожена нижними

отрогами Горы). Two of these here thrust forward west (два этих вот отрога:

«два из них здесь» выступали /вперед/ на запад) from the main mass (из

основного /горного/ массива: «основной массы») in long steep-sided ridges

(длинными кряжами с крутыми склонами; ridge — горный кряж, водораздел,

гребень горы) that fell ever downwards towards the plain (что спускались под

уклоном по направлению к равнине; downwards = downward — вниз, книзу,

под уклон). On this western side (на этом западном склоне) there were fewer

signs (было еще меньше признаков) of the dragon’s marauding feet (следов

мародерства дракона: «хищнических следов дракона»; to maraud —

мародерствовать; marauding — мародерство, нанесение ущерба посевам),

and there was some grass for their ponies (и там росло немного травы для их

пони). From this western camp (с этого, расположенного на западе:

«западного», лагеря) shadowed all day by cliff and wall (находящегося в тени

скалы и стен весь день: «затененного весь день скалой и стеной») until the sun

began to sink towards the forest (до тех самых пор, пока солнце не начинало

опускаться по направлению к лесу), day by day (день за днем) they toiled in

parties (они усиленно трудились /разделившись/ на группы) searching for paths

(в поисках тропинок) up the mountain-side (вверх по склонам горы). If the map

was true (если карта была правдивой), somewhere high above the cliff (где-то

высоко, над отвесной скалой) at the valley’s head (у верхней части долины)

must stand the secret door (должна находиться потайная дверь). Day by day

(день за днем) they came back to their camp (они возвращались назад в свой

лагерь) without success (безуспешно: «без успеха»; success — успех, удача).

ponder ['pOndq] marauding [mq'rO:dIN] toil [tOIl]

Now strange to say Mr. Baggins had more than the others. He would often

Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка



borrow Thorin’s map and gaze at it, pondering over the runes and the

message of the moon-letters Elrond had read. It was he that made the dwarves

begin the dangerous search on the western slopes for the secret door. They

moved their camp then to a long valley, narrower than the great dale in the

South where the Gates of the river stood, and walled with lower spurs of the

Mountain. Two of these here thrust forward west from the main mass in long

steep-sided ridges that fell ever downwards towards the plain. On this western

side there were fewer signs of the dragon’s marauding feet, and there was

some grass for their ponies. From this western camp, shadowed all day by cliff

and wall until the sun began to sink towards the forest, day by day they toiled

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