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IlFrnk / Английский / John Ronald Reuel Tolkien-The Hobbit.doc
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In the rocks below. He rubbed his eyes. Surely there was a camp still in the

plain some distance off; and there was a coming and going about the Gate?

Dwarves seemed to be busy removing the wall. But all was deadly still. There

was no call and no echo of a song. Sorrow seemed to be in the air.

Victory after all, I suppose!” he said, feeling his aching head. “Well, it

seems a very gloomy business.”

Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка



Suddenly he was aware of a man (внезапно он увидел человека; aware —

осознающий; замечающий) climbing up and coming towards him

(карабкающегося наверх и подходящего к нему).

“Hullo there (эй, привет)!” he called with a shaky voice (крикнул он

дрожащим голосом). “Hullo there (эй)! What news (какие новости)?”

“What voice is it that speaks among the stones (что это за голос, что говорит

меж камней)?” said the man halting (сказал человек, останавливаясь) and

peering about him (и оглядываясь вокруг /себя/) not far from where Bilbo sat (не

вдалеке от того места, где сидел Бильбо).

Then Bilbo remembered his ring (тогда Бильбо вспомнил про свое кольцо)!

“Well I’m blessed (быть не может)!” said he. “This invisibility has its

drawbacks after all (эта невидимость тоже имеет свои недостатки, несмотря ни

на что; drawback — недостаток, изъян; препятствие, помеха). Otherwise I

suppose (в противном случае, я полагаю) I might have spent a warm and

comfortable night in bed (я мог бы провести теплую и удобную ночь в


“It’s me, Bilbo Baggins (это я, Бильбо Бэггинс), companion of Thorin (спутник

Торина)!” he cried (закричал он), hurriedly taking off the ring (поспешно

снимая кольцо).

“It is well that I have found you (отлично, что я вас нашел)!” said the man

striding forward (сказал человек, шагая большими шагами к нему: «вперед»).

“You are needed (вас разыскивают: «вы нужны») and we have looked for you

long (и мы давно уже ищем вас). You would have been numbered among the

dead (вас бы уже давно причислили к убитым: «вас бы числили среди

мертвых»; to number — нумеровать, причислять, зачислять, числить кем-

либо), who are many (которых очень много), if Gandalf the wizard had not said

(если бы Гэндальф, волшебник, не сказал бы) that your voice was last heard in

this place (что ваш голос в последний раз слышали на этом месте; to hear

(heard)). I have been sent to look here (меня отправили: «я был послан»

Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка



поискать: «посмотреть» здесь) for the last time (в последний раз). Are you

much hurt (вы сильно ранены; hurt — раненый, травмированный,


invisibility [In"vIzq'bIlItI] drawback ['drO:bxk] hurriedly ['hArIdlI]

Suddenly he was aware of a man climbing up and coming towards him.

Hullo there!” he called with a shaky voice. “Hullo there! What news?”

What voice is it that speaks among the stones?” said the man halting and

peering about him not far from where Bilbo sat.

Then Bilbo remembered his ring!

Well I’m blessed!” said he. “This invisibility has its drawbacks after all.

Otherwise I suppose I might have spent a warm and comfortable night in


It’s me, Bilbo Baggins, companion of Thorin!” he cried, hurriedly taking

off the ring.

It is well that I have found you!” said the man striding forward. “You are

needed and we have looked for you long. You would have been numbered

among the dead, who are many, if Gandalf the wizard had not said that your

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